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Peacebuilding – Analyses

The large public health apparatus assembled to fight Ebola created more problems. Alexis Huguet/AFP via Getty Images

Lessons from the DRC’s 10th Ebola epidemic: the people may know best

International epidemic management involves ceding to foreign experts who possess, at best, a surface-level understanding of a very complex region.
Students at a primary school in Nairobi, Kenya, queue to have their temperature taken when public schools fully reopened on 4 January 2021. Gordwin Odhiambo/AFP via Getty Images

Deeper divide: what Kenya’s pandemic school closures left in their wake

Despite government efforts to provide digital resources for students kept out of school for most of 2020, access to these platforms was deeply unequal
A stash of Kalashnikovs and locally made hunting rifles surrendered by a local vigilante group in Zamfara State, northwest Nigeria. Photo by Kola Sulaimon/AFP via Getty Images

Arms trade to Africa can be opaque: why this is dangerous

New illicit flows of arms and ammunition contribute to fueling conflict and instability in West Africa.