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Peacebuilding – Analyses

Sensationalist coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic spreads fear and is unhelpful. Getty Images

South African front-page stories about COVID were sensationalist and unhelpful

The majority of front page reports were negative in tone, seeing very little possibility for individual agency and self-efficacy. This can amplify public anxiety and fear.
Informal head porter workers Percent Boatemaq (left) and Lusaka Fuseina (right) carrying goods on their heads at Agbogbloshie market in Accra, Ghana. Photo by Jonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images

The World Bank and IMF are using flawed logic in their quest to do away with the informal sector

Influential international actors like the World Bank and the IMF should focus on expanding social protection rather than focusing on eliminating the informal economy.
Umkhonto we Sizwe army veterans stand to attention during the 75th birthday celebrations of the governing ANC in 2017. EFE-EPA/Cornell Turiki

South Africa’s liberation war veterans are angry: here’s why

The dismantling of the liberation armies and that of the apartheid state was managed badly. It left in its wake thousands of angry veterans who felt betrayed.
Members of the LGBT community attending the annual Gay Pride march in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2017. EFE-EPA/Kim Ludbrook

LGBT migrants in South Africa: religion can be a blessing, and a curse

The author set out to understand how the faith of displaced LGBT people in South Africa has evolved over time, and how religion has shaped their experiences of displacement.