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Articles sur Propaganda

Affichage de 101 à 120 de 164 articles

Rohingya Muslim women who fled Myanmar for Bangladesh stretch their arms out to collect aid distributed by relief agencies in this September 2017 photo. A campaign of killings, rape and arson attacks by security forces and Buddhist-aligned mobs have sent more than 850,000 of the country’s 1.3 million Rohingya fleeing. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin, File)

Unliked: How Facebook is playing a part in the Rohingya genocide

Facebook is unwittingly helping fuel a genocide against the Rohingya people in Myanmar. Does Cuba’s internet model provide lessons to manage social media amid political chaos?
ISIS has been using fantastical propaganda on social media that describes the Islamic State as a land that is full of happiness to recruit supporters.

On social media, ISIS uses fantastical propaganda to recruit members

ISIS may have lost most of their territory, but it’s important to be aware that ISIS can still utilise the Internet and social media to recruit people and to spread their fantastical propaganda.
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announces the launch of Oculus Go virtual reality headset in October. (Handout)

Oculus and our troubles with (virtual) reality

Will the arrival and popularity of Oculus Go and other VR systems make us think differently about alternative realities and so-called alternative facts?
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg initially dismissed as “crazy” the warnings that Russia had been using Facebook to spread propaganda in the 2016 U.S. election. He has since apologized and introduced plans and tools aimed at fighting false information on the platform. In this file photo, he delivers the commencement address at Harvard University in May. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Regulate social media platforms before it’s too late

In a fight for the global flow of information, social media firms must be regulated. Their billions of dollars in revenue put their financial interests in conflict with truth and democracy.
Demonstrators protest against the decision by the South African Broadcasting Corporation to stop airing violent protest scenes. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Why media freedom remains fragile in South Africa

As South Africa marks Media Freedom Day, it’s clear that its battle isn’t over. Attacks on journalists continue –through physical intimidation and there’s also the threat of new laws.
‘The Dictator’ (2012) by Sacha Baron-Cohen plays on the fact that kitsch is used by dictators and fundamentalists to redefine our world. Zennie Abraham/Flickr

How kitsch consumed the world

Kitsch has slowly become the main cultural reference for all that surrounds us, and thrives in propaganda.
Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard is removed from the entrance to City Park in New Orleans. REUTERS/Cheryl Gerber

What to do with Confederate statues?

A scholar of southern politics finds inspiration in an unexpected place.
A flag with a portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin waves over the Moscow crowd during the Vesna (Spring) festival in March commemorating the Crimean annexation. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)

How Putin used propaganda to deftly turn Russians against Ukrainians

Vladimir Putin fomented so-called Ukrainophobia leading up to his annexation of Crimea. Ukrainians, on the other hand, held positive views of their neighbours prior to annexation.
Is public relations simply a more insidious form of fake news? Nick Lehr/The Conversation via

Putin’s flacks: Russia’s stealth public relations war

Russia has seized upon loopholes in lobbying laws, hiring PR firms to influence American public opinion and policy in ways that advance Russia’s strategic interests.

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