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Articles on Angola

Displaying 61 - 80 of 96 articles

Hundreds of thousands of Portuguese have migrated to Angola since the European financial crisis in 2008. Niko Nomad/Shutterstock

How Portuguese migrants in Angola navigate corruption

Migrants leave poor countries for a better life in richer ones. But the migration of Portuguese to Angola after Europe’s 2008 financial crisis shows how roles can be reversed.
South Africa’s governing African National Congress has begun the process of choosing its leaders. EPA-EFE/Kim Ludrick

Snags that could cast doubt on ANC’s choice of new leaders

The ANC’s elective conference is important for the party and South Africa. This is because the person chosen to lead the governing party since 1994, has gone on to become president.
Africa has focused on tackling undernutrition caused by low calorie diets. IFPRI

Seven African countries show how the battle against malnutrition can be won

Policy choices made by Senegal, Ghana, Rwanda, Angola, Cameroon, Ethiopia and Togo over the past 15 years have led to significant reductions in child undernourishment.
Tapping into ancient DNA can help us understand ancient humans’ movements and lives. Illustration: Marlize Lombard, Maryna Steyn and Anders Högberg

Ancient DNA increases the genetic time depth of modern humans

Archaeology is not only about stones and bones: it is mainly about the people of the past. DNA is one way to get from the stones and the bones to the people and their stories.
Supporters of Joao Lourenco and the ruling MPLA during an election campaign rally in Luanda. EPA/Manuel de Almeida

Angola’s ruling party regains power but faces legitimacy questions

Angola’s recent election results showed the ruling MPLA losing support across the country. If opposition claims are to be taken seriously, the losses could be more severe than they appear.
A woman votes in Zambia. Beyond multi-party systems and regular elections, many countries resemble very little of true democracies. GovernmentZA/Flickr

Democracy is looking sickly across southern Africa

Democracy is in a parlous state in many countries in southern Africa. Autocrats hold onto power, while electorates have little to choose from at the polls.
The official Angolan broadcaster, or Emissora Oficial de Angola, under construction between 1963-67. Fernão Simões de Carvalho

Propaganda in Portugal’s colonies: lessons for the West today

Portugal used radio propaganda in its colonies in the 1960s against local liberation movements. Decades later there are still lessons to be learned for occupying armies from their failed strategies.
Fidel Castro poured troops into Ethiopia’s war with Somalia after describing Siad Barre as “above all a chauvinist”. Reuters/Prensa Latina

Castro’s troubled legacy in the Horn of Africa: hero or villain?

Many Ethiopians regard Castro as the man who saved their country. Somalis view him as the man who denied them the Greater Somalia re-union

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