Governments “must act now” to avert tens of thousands of cancer cases - and millions in medical bills - with policies that will improve diet and exercise among Australians, researchers say. Scientists…
Eating a portion of processed red meat every day dramatically increases the risk of death from heart disease and cancer, according to a study of more than 120,000 people over almost three decades. The…
In more than 30 years of treating cancer patients, I have seen some health policy decisions that defy common sense. But the most senseless of all is Treasury’s continued refusal to expand the National…
Australian researchers have discovered how a blood clot-busting enzyme is activated, unlocking a century-old atomic riddle that could lead to new treatments for clotting and bleeding disorders, and some…
The fixation on potentially cancer-causing chemicals in the air, food and consumer products is diverting attention from the real risks, according to a review of global evidence by an Australian cancer…
Cancer is a disease of the body’s cells that affects around half of all Australians by the age of 85. Normally cells grow and multiply in a controlled way. But if something causes a mistake to occur in…
Common household drugs such as aspirin help to contain certain types of tumours by tightening their lymphatic vessel supply lines, new research has found. Doctors have long observed the impact of non-steroidal…
It’s not often that a scientific article in a learned medical journal becomes front page news but that was the case recently when a paper I co-authored with Dr Ian Haines of Melbourne’s Cabrini Hospital…