Douglas Hilton, WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research)
The Federal Government’s main medical research funding body, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), last week announced its 2011 program and development grants, and postgraduate scholarship…
Boys are likely be offered subsidised vaccinations against the sexually transmitted, wart and cancer-causing human papillomavirus (HPV) following a government committee recommendation to expand the use…
Cancer death rates are falling in Australia even as incidences rise of lung cancer in women and prostate cancer in men, according to research published today in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology…
The Catholic church should freely distribute the contraceptive pill to its almost 95,000 nuns in order to reduce their “greatly increased risk” of developing female-specific cancers, a paper published…
For more than a decade, the Tasmanian devil has been fighting for survival against an unusual enemy – Devil Facial Tumour Disease (or DFTD). This deadly infectious cancer has ravaged the Tasmanian devil…
Gustav Nossal, WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research)
Every year at the beginning of October, a frisson runs through the global medical research community. Who will win the greatest lottery of them all, the Nobel Prize for Medicine? In a cynical and sceptical…