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Articles on Manufacturing

Displaying 81 - 100 of 308 articles

Iron ore piles at Dampier, Western Australia. Australia could convert iron oxide to metal for export, producing it with no emissions. CHRISTIAN SPROGOE/ Rio Tinto

Australia is in the box seat to power the world

Eminent economist Ross Garnaut says if climate action fails, he fears the consequences ‘would be beyond contemporary Australia’. But zero-emissions iron and aluminium could be the way forward.
Labor leader Anthony Albanese will make a “vision statement” on Tuesday, where he will emphasise manufacturing job opportunities flowing from the renewables expansion. AAP/Paul Miller

Low carbon economy can spur Australian “manufacturing boom”: Albanese

Labor leader Anthony Albanese will emphasise his party’s pro-business stance in a speech on Tuesday, departing from Bill Shorten’s criticism of the “top end of town”.
Gas burning at Victoria’s Longford Gas Conditioning Plant. Australia is the world’s largest exporter but intends t import gas to shore up local supplies. Joe Castro/AAP

Australia has plenty of gas, but the price is extreme. The market is broken

If Australia is the biggest gas exporter in the world, why are we shipping it back in? Because the gas market is dysfunctional - and it means consumers are suffering.
Show Works, based in the Melbourne suburb of Preston, makes dance floors, dance equipment and theatre scenery. Andrew Warren, used with permission

Three ways to fix the problems caused by rezoning inner-city industrial land for mixed-use apartments

Rezoning to mixed-use residential development drove small manufacturers and creative producers out of the inner city. The result is less diversity of land uses, jobs and services where we most want it.

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