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Articles on Obesity

Displaying 521 - 540 of 769 articles

Researchers appear to be stuck in a tug-of-war over the causes of the current levels of obesity. lee roberts/Flickr

Obesity wars revisited: is it the meat or the motion?

Obesity researchers have been in a tug of war about obesity for decades now. So what does the evidence show about the latest offensive in the obesity wars?
Studies suggest friends, family members and even colleagues of smokers or obese people are more likely to smoke or be obese themselves. Barry/Flickr

Beware, a ‘non-communicable’ disease may be socially infectious

The leading cause of death in the world are a group of illnesses known as non-commmunicable diseases. But a growing body of evidence shows they’re actually social contagions.
Doctors recommend drugs and surgery for most diseases but exercise may actually be a better answer for obesity. Ben Bradshaw/Flickr

Even if obesity were a disease, exercise may be too bitter a pill

Most of us know that obesity is a growing problem across the globe but would you call it a disease? While it may seem like a semantic debate, it is actually a serious issue with major implications.
Overbalanced. Is it possible to be fit and fat? sophietica

Killer couches are the key to tackling fat and fitness

The link between exercise, diet and ill health has been recognised for a considerable length of time. The ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates (460-370BC), wrote: Eating alone will not keep a man well…
Cutting your kilojoule intake by 2,000kJ a day will help you lose 5kg – a clothes size – in three months. Lindsay Széchényi/Flickr

Health Check: ten ways to save 2,000 kilojoules and drop a clothes size

Want to drop a dress or pants size? Then losing five kilograms, or about 5% of your body weight will help that zipper start to close with ease. In case you need another reason, keeping a small amount of…
Sweet. cobalt123

How much sugar is lurking in your cereal?

Back in 2012 the Which? Breakfast Cereal Report identified worryingly high amounts of sugar in 50 of the most popular breakfast cereals. Three years later and a new survey by campaign group Action On Sugar…
Being lean and unfit is worse than being fat and fit. Raúl González/Flickr

Does my BMI look big in this? And does it really matter?

This month, the toxic combination of extreme heat and summer holidays will probably mean that you’re going to expose more flesh than you would like to someone whose opinion you care about. January is the…
Feeling the squeeze. Measure by Shutterstock

Free obesity surgery on the NHS is worth the money

It is an undeniable truth that prevention is always better than cure. Vaccinations have near eradicated polio and small pox, hygiene caused the dramatic disappearance of typhoid and cholera and just being…
Newly arrived refugees face many obstacles to making healthy food choices. Lucian/Flickr

Resettled refugees adopt Australia’s bad food habits

Refugees settling in Australia constantly face new challenges. They have to re-adjust to new income levels, cultural practices and language. They also face a new food environment, where many traditional…
Local communities can support healthy eating and active lifestyles in a range of settings. Peter Bernik/Shutterstock

Big junk vs people power: how we can fix our collective weight problem

Over the past three decades, the Australasia region has outpaced other regions of the world with the largest absolute increase in adult obesity. Poor diet and high body mass index have overtaken tobacco…

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