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Articles on Obesity

Displaying 581 - 600 of 769 articles

The prevalence of obesity in Australia hasn’t tripled in the last 30 years because we’ve all lost personal responsibility. Flickr/confidence, comely.

Personal responsibility won’t solve Australia’s obesity problem

Almost two thirds of Australians are now overweight or obese. In fact, obesity and unhealthy diets now contribute to more disease and illness in Australia than smoking. This makes finding solutions to…
Bariatric surgery is the last-line option for weight loss. Chris J/FLickr

Explainer: the risks and benefits of bariatric surgery

You don’t need an expert to tell you obesity has become a major health problem worldwide. The World Health Organisation estimates 35% of the world’s adults are overweight and 11% obese, double the rate…
Any more cheese with that? Aaron Landry

US government pushes pizza to help the cheese industry

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently released a report on the role of pizza in American diets. Researcher Donna Rhodes and colleagues in USDA’s agricultural research department found that an…
Shiver me timbers. bmhkim

Shivering unlocks new way of fighting fat

Shivering is not an activity many of us enjoy. We do it because we are cold and uncomfortable. But perhaps the news that it could have some of the same benefits as moderate bouts of exercise will stop…

Type 2 diabetes is a family affair

Spousal history may take a greater role in the detection of type 2 diabetes, as people partnered to those with the condition…
Obesity shouldn’t be about comfort zones. Oklanika

Obesity by any other name would still be fat

What is obesity? Is it a disease, an illness, a risk factor, or a condition? And semantics aside, does this really matter? In 2013, the American Medical Association declared that obesity was “a disease…
The World Health Organisation is considering halving its recommendation that sugars make up 10% of your diet. Flickr/happy via

Sweet enough? Separating fact from fiction in the sugar debate

Forget lemon detox diets and soup fasts, sugar-free was the fad diet choice of 2013. But while it’s wise to limit the foods and drinks you consume that contain added sugars, this doesn’t mean you need…
It’s not just fruit lurking beneath. Schwäbin

The amount of hidden sugar in your diet might shock you

Added sugar in our diet is a very recent phenomenon and only occurred when sugar, obtained from sugar cane, beet and corn, became very cheap to produce. It’s a completely unnecessary part of our calorie…
Being tired is linked to eating unhealthy foods that may cause weight gain. Shuttershock

Does a bad night’s sleep make you likely to overeat?

Few people would argue with the idea that sleep is good for us, but not many of us know that a lack of sleep can cause weight gain. The health benefits of sleep are extremely well-documented. It provides…
The cost of fresh fruit and vegetables soars in rural areas. Flickr/ Family O'Abé

Rural Australians are missing out on affordable fresh food

Would you pay A$9 for six mushrooms in inner-city Melbourne? Or A$4.50 for one small piece of broccoli or cauliflower in Sydney? Probably not – but this is what rural Australians are being asked to fork…
Our food environment could influence the type of food we buy. Hopkinsii/flickr

The ACT’s food environment plan is good – here’s why

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government has introduced a Healthy Weight Action Plan aimed at curbing the number of obese people in the territory. As its name suggests, the plan seeks to create…
We think checkouts influence obesity but does it? Jurijus Azanovas

Hard Evidence: do supermarket checkouts make kids obese?

Your eye gets caught by the dried apples slices and pistachios but your child, sitting in the trolley, sees the Percy pig sweets. The queue is moving slowly, how well do you resist? A commentary by Deborah…
BMI isn’t the only measure of health. Gynti_46

Being healthy and obese is a myth, researchers say

People who are obese and have normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood-sugar readings will still be unhealthy and die sooner compared with people who have a normal body weight, according to researchers…
Weighing up the options. Puuikibeach

Overweight women shouldn’t panic about contraception

The warning made by HRA Pharma, the French manufacturer behind Norvelo emergency contraceptive pills, that the product is ineffective in women who weigh more than 80kg (12st 7lb) and has reduced effectiveness…

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