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Articles on Peace

Displaying 1 - 20 of 113 articles

Annie Hughes Griffiths holds the Welsh women’s petition for peace at the White House on February 21 1924, alongside (l-r) Gladys Thomas, Mary Ellis and Elined Prys. WCIA/Temple of Peace Archives

A century ago, the women of Wales made an audacious appeal for world peace – this is their story

A tour of the US was the culmination of an extraordinary peace campaign that gathered 390,296 signatures from women all over Wales. So why does it not appear in any history books?
Jacqueline O’Neill, Canada’s ambassador for Women, Peace and Security, appears before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade in November 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Women, peace and security initiatives should matter to all Canadians

The recent release of Canada’s third National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security highlights challenges and opportunities that go far beyond the ‘add women and stir’ approach.
A paratrooper with a NATO flag performs during an air show in Radom, Poland, in August 2023. Jakub Porzycki/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Why the United States needs NATO – 3 things to know

Donald Trump has threatened to not defend some NATO countries if Russia attacks them. But the US also benefits from the power that NATO gives it, as well as the stability it helped create in Europe.
Russian Central Bank Chief Elvira Nabiullina attends a meeting on economic issues in Moscow in February 2023. Central bank reserves are among the Russian state assets that could be seized under Canadian law. (Dmitry Astakhov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Seizing Russian state assets to rebuild Ukraine: Will it prolong the war, or end it?

Who will pay to rebuild Ukraine? Canada is the first to pass a law allowing Russian state assets to be seized to rebuild Ukraine, but will it discourage Russia from ending the war?
Protesters around the world have called for a stop to the fighting between Israel and Hamas. AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson

What would it take for a cease-fire to happen in Gaza?

Calls for a cease-fire in Gaza are driven by humanitarian compassion and principles. But cease-fires are also technically complicated military and political ventures.
Palestinian and Israeli women activists from the Israeli Women Wage Peace movement and the Palestinian Women of the Sun movement sing and dance during the joint platform inauguration ceremony in Jericho in March 2022. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

How women in Israel and Palestine are pushing for peace — together

The joint Women Wage Peace-Women of the Sun initiative unites Israeli and Palestinian women calling for peace. The international community should elevate their voices.
Children wave peace doves at a concert for peace in Bogota, Colombia, in August 2022. Chepa Beltran/Long Visual Press/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Americans do talk about peace − just not the same way people do in other countries

While Americans tend not to use the word “peace,” and instead opt for terms like “safety and security,” their desires and fears are not so different from what people in war-torn places express.
In this 1979 photo, Mother Teresa receives the Nobel Peace Prize during a ceremony at Oslo University. At right is the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, John Sanness. In subsequent years, Mother Teresa has faced criticisms. (Henrik Laurivik/NTB via AP, File)

The Nobel Peace Prize often reveals how contentious peace can be

Peace can become political when advocates oppose or try to reform governments and societies pursuing hostile foreign relations — or when these societies perpetuate injustice and oppression at home.

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