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Articles on Sea level rise

Displaying 261 - 280 of 282 articles

At some point, the postman will not always get through. Dan Anderson

Rising sea levels will be too much, too fast for Florida

It is amazing for me to see the very aggressive building boom underway in south Florida; on the beaches and barrier islands, throughout downtown and in the low western areas bordering the Everglades. They…
Are archaic laws getting in the way of Australians enjoying the beach? Tim J Keegan/Flickr

Who owns the beach when the sea is rising?

We commonly assume that Australians have a fundamental right to access the vast array of beautiful beaches that fringe our continent. But as sea levels rise, these assumptions are being put into question…
The tiny Pacific nation of the Marshall Islands could avoid being swamped entirely, although it will still suffer profoundly from sea-level rise. Christopher Johnson/Wikimedia Commons

Dynamic atolls give hope that Pacific Islands can defy sea rise

It is widely predicted that low-lying coral reef islands will drown as a result of sea-level rise, leaving their populations as environmental refugees. But new evidence now suggests that these small islands…
Coasts are at risk from rising seas, but that risk could be alleviated by coastal ecosystems such as mangroves. Sheep"R"Us/Flickr

How wetlands can help us adapt to rising seas

Instead of costly levees and seawalls, coastal ecosystems could offer an alternative way to protect Australia’s coastal communities from rising seas, saving money and storing carbon along the way. Sea…
The receding edge of the Greenland ice sheet. Hannes Grobe

Greenland ice sheet is melting at an accelerating rate

Warming in the Arctic has now reached the northernmost sections of the Greenland ice sheet. After a long period of stability (more than 25 years), we have found in a new study of the region that the northeast…
Riding underwater on Darwin’s most popular bike path, on 1 February 2014. Andrew Campbell

A wet warning from Australia’s Top End on rising sea levels

Rising sea levels are typically written about as a “threat to future generations” – something to worry about by 2050 or 2100, not now. But if you want to see why even relatively small increases in sea…
Eroded beaches in Surfers Paradise on Queensland’s Gold Coast, May 2013. John Reid, Environment Studio, ANU School of Art

Scrapping sea level protection puts Australian homes at risk

As the science on the coastal impacts of climate change gets stronger, the protections for Australia’s coastal communities are getting weaker. If that continues, everyone will pay. Along the eastern seaboard…

Island biodiversity at risk from rising sea levels

Rising sea levels caused by global warming are putting island habitats that hold 20% of the world’s biodiversity at risk…

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