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Articles on Shakespeare

Displaying 141 - 160 of 172 articles

Actor Joseph Marcell plays the lead role in The Globe’s production of Shakespeare’s King Lear in Malta, Valletta. Shakespeare divides opinions and his texts often terrify learners. Darrin Zammit Lupi/Reuters

Should Shakespeare be taught in Africa’s classrooms?

Is there a place for Shakespeare in African schools, or is his time long past?
Sport for Jove’s production of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice is now onstage in Sydney. Sport for Jove

Review: The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare’s comedy of cruelty

Sport for Jove’s The Merchant of Venice is a production of ourstanding clarity, making it ideal for students or perhaps even those who simply don’t often see Shakespeare in the theatre.
The pantheon of the Bard’s plays is now larger by one – or so the headlines would have you believe. George

Shakespeare’s Double Falsehood? Alas, that’s neither true nor false

You’d be forgiven for thinking Double Falsehood was recently “found” and confirmed as being by Shakespeare. But that’s not what the researchers behind the computational tests actually said. So what’s up?
It’s not that Shakespeare needs to burn out – but it’s time for him to fade away. Suzanne Plunkett/Reuters

It’s time to take the curriculum back from dead white men

When literary studies degrees focus almost entirely on the work of white, male writers, we do our students and the academy a great disservice.
The recent discovery of a First Folio in St. Omer, France brings the total number of known copies to 233. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, National Art Library

The strange fates of the Shakespeare First Folio

The Shakespeare First Folio (1623), the first collected edition of his plays and the sole source for half of them (including Macbeth, Antony & Cleopatra, All’s Well, As You Like It, and The Tempest…
Something’s rotten… UTV Motion Pictures

Shakespeare wades into Indian freedom of expression row

A recent adaptation of Hamlet caused outrage in India, flagging up just how deep the rift between artistic culture and so called “Indian values” runs. When the trailer for Haider, Vishal Bhardwaj’s Kashmir-set…
Hugo Weaving’s Macbeth dwells on the isolation and introspection of one of Shakespeare’s great tragic leads. Photo: Brett Boardman. Sydney Theatre Company

Hugo Weaving reveals Macbeth’s weakness – and his unhappiness

Sydney Theatre Company’s new production of Macbeth may draw attention for its star, Hugo Weaving, but the most powerful agent of this production is the theatrical space. Director Kip Williams has inverted…

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