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Articles on UK economy

Displaying 421 - 440 of 448 articles

Cameron’s long term economic plan involves more debt and deficit. Peter Byrne/PA Wire

The UK cannot ‘live within its means’ under David Cameron

In the first of a series of keynote speeches Prime Minister David Cameron identified the central theme of the Conservative Party’s 2015 general election manifesto: “to get Britain back to living within…
Some people definitely aren’t convinced. Anthony Devlin/PA Wire

Will Osborne’s Autumn Statement swing the vote?

George Osborne has delivered his latest Autumn Statement, announcing there has been no recession during this parliament and forecasting that the British economy will grow by 3% this year. This final Autumn…
Employable, but lacking employment options. michaeljung/Shutterstock

The government must focus on employment, not employability

The number of professional and middle-class managerial jobs has shrunk, according to a new study by researchers at Oxford University. This is bad news for Britain’s graduates and represents a worrying…
Housing policy not going to be easy street for the UK government. Lifeofgalileo

House prices falling? Don’t bet the bank on it

The news that the British housing market may have reached a turning point, with one forecast showing a price fall in 2015 and a drop in London prices for the first time in three years, will have been welcome…
Whichever way you look at it, tax cuts cause losses for all. PA Wire

How Cameron’s tax giveaway will end up costing you more

One of the Conservative Party’s major promises to emerge in its party conference was the promise of tax cuts to reduce the burden of government on hardworking families who do the right thing. Many critics…
Ah yes, 0.8% growth, I see it now. Chris Radburn/PA

Debunking George Osborne’s ‘recovery’ in four charts

Britain is booming! At least, that’s what George Osborne would have us believe. Casual observers could be forgiven for thinking that the UK economy has indeed entered into a robust recovery from the deep…
Have I broken it? Matt Cardy/PA Archive

How to return the UK to growth and solve the productivity puzzle

The latest data from the ONS show that the UK’s productivity gap with other G7 nations is at its widest since 1992. This bad news comes against the backdrop of increased optimism as the economy seems finally…
The cost of independence might just determine the Scottish referendum. David Cheskin/PA

Scottish voters aren’t shifting on independence referendum

The Scottish independence referendum campaign has now been raging for 18 months, ever since the Yes Scotland (pro-independence) and Better Together (anti-independence) umbrella organisations were launched…
There are plenty of new cars on British roads, but few of them are made here. Martin Rickett/PA

Hard Evidence: is the UK car market booming?

Registrations in the UK new car market rose 10.8% to 2.26 million units in 2013, the highest point for six years. But let’s not get too carried away: while last year’s figures may be exceptional, they…
You can make it, if you try… Rui Vieira/PA Wire

Manufacturing comes home as energy cost trumps wages gap

Something strange, or perhaps rather unexpected, has occurred over the past few years: the media and politicians alike have been highlighting the strength of British manufacturing. Stranger yet, perhaps…

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