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Artikel-artikel mengenai Assisted dying

Menampilkan 61 - 80 dari 81 artikel

Victorian premier Daniel Andrews announced his government would be putting a bill to legalise assisted dying to parliament next year. JULIAN SMITH/AAP

Victoria’s model for assisted dying laws may be narrow enough to pass

Victoria stands a chance of becoming the first Australian jurisdiction in 20 years, and the first ever Australian state, to have an assisted dying law.
Euthanasia proponents often express incredulity that in a supposedly humane society, the ‘right to die with dignity’ remains unsupported by law. TRACEY NEARMY/AAP Image

Euthanasia: let’s clarify what the law is before we debate changing it

Proponents of legalising euthanasia claim it’s needed to ensure dying patients don’t experience unbearable suffering. But in fact, this is the one setting in which law change isn’t needed.
Australian parliaments continue to resist legalising euthanasia or its cousin, assisted suicide. tommaso lizzul/Shutterstock

Why Australia hesitates to legalise euthanasia

The Australian public supports legalising euthanasia and bills are introduced into state parliaments every year. Yet governments continue to resist legalising euthanasia or assisted suicide.
Stalemate. We need a bioethicist. Donchiefnerd

Mistakes in moral reasoning are as lethal as medical errors

Ethical issues are rife in medicine. Arguments about abortion, organ donation and euthanasia regularly take their turn in the headlines, normally prompted by media scare-stories or an arising controversy…

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