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Artikel-artikel mengenai Cultural economy

Menampilkan 21 - 24 dari 24 artikel

How grim a message is the budget inadvertently sending? Maria Schaefer Photography

Hockey’s budget ignores the cultural economy, to its shame

The reality of the 2014 budget is now pretty clear, not just its specific provisions but the kind of nation it wants Australia to become. How it affects culture relates not just to this or that cut to…
The state of culture in Australia? Basically, it’s in rude health. Ars Electronica

The state of Australia: cultural economy

In the lead-up to the budget, the story of crisis has been hammered home, but there’s more to a country than its structural deficit. So how is Australia doing overall? In this special series, ten writers…
What happens when we reduce cultural value to the bottom line? @yakobusan Jakob Montrasio 孟亚柯

UNESCO leads the way on a truly global approach to cultural economy

Last week, UNESCO launched its Creative Economy Report 2013 in New York. It’s a key document in a major reorientation of global cultural policy – away from creative industries and towards a more inclusive…

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