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Artikel-artikel mengenai Diplomacy

Menampilkan 61 - 80 dari 389 artikel

South African foreign minister, Naledi Pandor, right, hosts US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, for the SA-US Strategic Dialogue in Pretoria, in August 2022. Jacoline Schoonees/Dirco

Sandton terror alert: time for South Africa to improve its intelligence sharing channels with the US

Tensions between the US and South Africa – this time over the terror alert – are nothing new. Their relations have always had highs and lows since South Africa became a democracy in 1994.
US President Joe Biden shakes hands with Indonesian President and G20 host Joko Widodo at the 2022 summit in Nusa Dua, Bali. ANTARA FOTO/Media Center G20 Indonesia/Akbar Nugroho Gumay/wsj.

What is the G20 summit in Bali? Who’s there? And what are the top 3 topics on the agenda?

With “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” as its theme, the 2022 summit has global health, digital transformation, and a sustainable energy transition high on the agenda.
Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen speaks during Taiwan National Day celebrations in Taipei last October. Ritchie B. Tongo/EPA

Explainer: the complex question of Taiwanese independence

Is “strategic ambiguity” still the least-worst option for dealing with competing claims about Taiwan?
The right track? Foreign Minister Penny Wong meets with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang during the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting in Bali last month. Johannes P. Christo/Pool/AAP

Can Australia recapture the spirit of middle power diplomacy?

Careful diplomacy rather than uncritical alliances will help steer a course through Australia’s foreign policy challenges.
Will she visit Taiwan or not? Either way, China has made its views known. Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Why the big fuss over Nancy Pelosi’s possible visit to Taiwan?

The White House has distanced itself from the US House speaker’s potential visit to Taiwan. But does it still signal a shift in policy over diplomatic ties with the island?

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