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Artikel-artikel mengenai Hacking

Menampilkan 161 - 180 dari 265 artikel

A man displays a protest message on his iPhone at a rally in support of Apple’s refusal to help the FBI access the iPhone of a shooter involved in San Bernardino mass killing. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

Hacking the terror suspect’s iPhone: what the FBI can do now Apple says ‘no’

Now that Apple has refused to build a backdoor into its own device, should the FBI turn to ethical hackers to gain access to a terror suspect’s iPhone?
Federal computer systems are under near-constant attack from hackers and cyberthieves. Is our information protected well enough? Colin

Why the IRS was just hacked – again – and what the feds can do about it

Federal networks need stronger cybersecurity measures than most organizations, but have not yet gotten the budget or staffing commitments that would protect them properly.
The fingerprints might indicate China, but that’s not so easy to prove. Shutterstock

How we trace the hackers behind a cyber attack

This week’s hack of the Bureau of Meteorology appeared to come from China, but how do we know? The problem is, it’s notoriously difficult to pinpoint the origin of a hack.
A biohack event called Rock’n Roll BioTech, held at Aalto University in Helsinki, brings people together to learn about the fundamentals of molecular life-sciences outside of conventional circles. GaudiLabs

Hacking the body: the scientific counter-culture of the DIYbio movement

There’s a new counter-culture movement that is seeking to bypass the bureaucracy of science and hack biology for the benefit of the masses.
Many people might be in trouble care of the Ashley Madison hack. lucyburrluck/Flickr

What if the Ashley Madison hack was an inside job?

If the Ashley Madison hack was an inside job, then it shows that even strong protection against outside attacks isn’t necessarily enough to prevent a leak of private data.
Once a software maker learns about a “zero-day” vulnerability, there’s usually no time left to fix it. Midnight via

Zero-day’ stockpiling puts us all at risk

“Zero-days” are serious vulnerabilities in software that are unknown to the software maker or user. They are so named because developers find out about the security vulnerability the day that it is exploited…
No one is immune from cyber crime… no matter how protected you think you are. Flickr/Louish Pixel

Why we should all care about cyber crime: the risk to you and me

If you think you’re not at risk from cyber crime then think again. Everyone connected to the internet is a potential target and hackers are gathering what they can to try to gain your trust.

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