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Artikel-artikel mengenai Independents

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Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, and Fraser Anning’s new Conservative National Party will compete for the conservative vote. AAP/The Conversation

How much influence will independents and minor parties have this election? Please explain

Voter dissatisfaction with the major parties means minor party preferences are likely to play a critical role in many seats, making the election outcome hard to predict.
Mexico’s new app makes it a snap for political independents to collect voter signatures — unless, of course, their supporters don’t have smartphones or live in rural areas without reliable internet. Reuters

Want to be president of Mexico? There’s an app for that

Almost 50 independents want to run for president of Mexico in 2018. But only a handful will likely make the ballot, in part due to the glitchy election app voters must use to show their support.
Rod Webber before a Marco Rubio rally in Exeter, New Hampshire. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

Did independent voters decide the New Hampshire primary?

NH’s election laws allow people to vote in the primaries even if they are not registered with one of the parties. How pivotal are these unenrolled voters? We look beyond the exit polls for answers.
What is life like inside the office of MPs who hold the balance of power, such as retiring independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor? AAP/Alan Porritt

The retiring independents: looking inside the ‘balance of power’

With the end of each parliament there inevitably comes a series of announcements that particular parliamentarians will not be contesting the next election. Usually, these decisions are justified by the…
Crossbenchers Tony Windsor and Rob Oakleshott arrive at a press conference on asylum seekers. AAP/Alan Porrit

Integrity for all: who is keeping the crossbenchers honest?

It is fair to say that, in the eyes of the Australian public at least, the view of our politicians is currently at a very low ebb. The tone of the Australian Parliament is at its most toxic for a generation…

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