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Artikel-artikel mengenai Obstetrics

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An epidural takes up to 45 minutes to work, so if the baby’s coming it could be too late. from

Explainer: what is an epidural for labour?

Epidurals were developed for pregnant women to address the severe pain of labour. In Australia approximately one in three pregnant women in labour has an epidural for pain relief.
Talking with patients who’ve had Zika is tough. Pregnant woman and doctor image via

I’m an OB-GYN treating women with Zika: This is what it’s like

Physicians like me are learning about Zika along with our patients. This takes a dose of humility on our part and an understanding from our patients that we learn something new every single day.
Recent studies have revealed an emerging understanding of the benefits of birthing relationships through the childbearing process. Shutterstock

Speaking with: Hannah Dahlen on pregnancy care

Dallas Rogers speaks with Hannah Dahlen and Jacqueline Nelson about the importance of the relationship between a midwife and an expectant mother.
It can be tough deciding where to give birth. nata-lunata/Shutterstock

Explainer: what are women’s options for giving birth?

More than 300,000 women give birth in Australia each year. Most (97%) give birth in hospitals (72% of these in public and 28% in private), while 0.3% are born before they arrive at hospital.
During the first few minutes after birth a baby can receive 80-100 millilitres of blood – nearly a third of their blood volume. Paul Hakimata Photography/Shutterstock

Delay clamping babies’ umbilical cords for better health and development

One of the most common surgical procedures undertaken in the world today – one that every human alive has undergone – is the clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord at birth.
Episiotomies have a place in maternity care but should not be routinely performed. Paul Curto/Flickr

Episiotomy during childbirth: not just a ‘little snip’

It’s difficult to imagine how something as big as a baby’s head can come out of what appears to be a relatively small space. But during childbirth, the perineum – the area of skin and muscle between the…
Only a handful of Australian hospitals offer continuity of care and midwives on call. Image from

Call the Midwife: playing catch up with Australia’s maternity care

In the much-loved British TV drama Call the Midwife, women are offered care from dedicated midwives through pregnancy, labour and birth. The midwives are therefore able to get to know the women and practice…
Upright births are likely to be shorter, less painful and involve fewer interventions than recumbent births. Image from

Stand and deliver – upright births best for mum and bub

Think of childbirth and you’re likely to picture a woman lying on her back on a hospital bed. That’s the position most (78%) Australian women adopt to give birth birth, despite growing evidence that being…
Overly optimistic expectations about the birthing process may taint the experience for many women. Muus Creation/Flickr

Great expectations: mothers too optimistic about birth intervention

Many women believe they’re likely to go through labour and give birth without medical intervention. But data from Victoria shows that, more often than not, labour does require intervention. The disconnect…

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