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Artikel-artikel mengenai Religion and law

Menampilkan 1 - 20 dari 39 artikel

Lucien Greaves, spokesman for the Satanic Temple, which has pushed to establish after-school clubs. Josh Reynolds for The Washington Post via Getty Images

How after-school clubs became a new battleground in the Satanic Temple’s push to preserve separation of church and state

The controversial – and often misunderstood – extracurricular groups tend to raise controversy. But under equal access laws, schools can’t discriminate against a club based on its point of view.
Joe Kennedy poses in front of the U.S. Supreme Court building after his legal case, Kennedy vs. Bremerton School District, was argued before the court on April 25, 2022. Win McNamee/Getty Images News via Getty Images

Why the Supreme Court’s football decision is a game-changer on school prayer

Kennedy v. Bremerton, a case about a public school teacher’s prayer, helps close out a Supreme Court term in which religion was often in the spotlight.
Organizations can apply to have their flag temporarily replace the Boston city flag, shown on far right, in front of City Hall. gregobagel/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Can a Christian flag fly at City Hall? The Supreme Court will have to decide

Shurtleff v. Boston, a case argued before the Supreme Court on Jan. 18, raises important questions about free speech and religion in public spaces.
A woman holds a rosary and a picture of the Virgin Mary during a 2019 hearing in Albany, N.Y., challenging the constitutionality of the state’s repeal of the religious exemption to vaccination. AP Photo/Hans Pennink

What’s the law on vaccine exemptions? A religious liberty expert explains

Plenty of groups are offering religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccine mandates, but their legal basis isn’t as rock-solid as that might suggest.
People protest in Texas after the governor signed a bill to outlaw abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy. Sergio Flores/Getty Images News via Getty Images

When does life begin? There’s more than one religious view

‘Heartbeat’ abortion laws like the one enacted in Texas are often based on particular Christian views, but there are many religious perspectives on abortion. What do Jewish texts say?

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