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Artikel-artikel mengenai Science policy

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 69 artikel

Three more years for Malcolm Turnbull and the Coalition. AAP/David Moir

Election 2016: what will a re-elected Coalition government mean for key policy areas?

What’s in store for key policy areas, from health to education to infrastructure to asylum seekers, under a returned Coalition government?
Investment in science and innovation is needed to help build Africa. Kate Holt/Africa Practice/Flickr

How Africa can close its continent-wide science funding gap

Successful economies are led by innovation and driven by knowledge. For Africa to advance, it needs to make more substantial investments in its research and development sector.
Alan Finkel is a well respected member of the Australian scientific community. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Reaction: Alan Finkel to be Australia’s next Chief Scientist

The scientific community reacts to the news that Dr Alan Finkel has been appointed Australia’s New Chief Scientist as of 2016.
The new Prime Minister has an opportunity to reverse the cuts to science funding and transform Australia into an innovative nation. Tracy Sorensen/Flickr

Turnbull has an opportunity to make Australia a science nation

A Turnbull government has an opportunity to redirect Australia towards being a science and innovation nation.
Research by James Cook University was rapidly translated into policy that is helping to preserve Queensland’s regions against the effects of climate change. Nathan Siemers/Flickr

Science can influence policy and benefit the public – here’s how

It’s rare for research to have an immediate impact on policy, but lessons learnt from a successful venture in Queensland can show how it can be done.
Australia has a long history of world class science, but a national science strategy will help boost engagement with industry. Steve Dorman/Flickr

Why a national science strategy is good for Australia

The government’s announcement of a national science strategy is good for Australia, particularly for promoting engagement between science and industry.
Science is under attack but we must defend it if we want to improve politics in Australia. Victoria University

We must defend science if we want a prosperous future

Our nation’s future depends on the quality of its thinking and its leaders. As such, science must be at the core of our national discourse.
Ian Macfarlane – here at the Anglo Australian Telescope in April – had science lumped in with his industry ministry. AAP/Alan Porritt

Science and the Coalition: two big policies, one year and no minister

On science and technology, the Abbott government is somewhat of a paradox. On one hand, the government passionately believes that deregulating the university sector is essential. By taking caps off fees…

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