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Artikel-artikel mengenai Tax evasion

Menampilkan 61 - 67 dari 67 artikel

The G20 leaders agree more must be done to address tax avoidance, but the multinationals they’re targeting could be having the last laugh. William West/AAP

Multinationals unfazed by G20 tax crackdown

The G20 finance ministers have once again agreed to cooperate to counter aggressive cross-border tax avoidance by multinationals. Many US firms are using tax avoidance schemes for their non-US earnings…
Last year’s G-20 knees up. This year expect the taper, the IMF and corporate tax evasion to be the main themes. Flickr

We are all spillovers now: G20 finance meeting explained

Finance ministers and central bank governors from the Group of 20 major economies will meet in Sydney this week. A lot of troubled financial waters have flowed under the bridge since this group last met…
Tax evasion campaigns are not new, but with them often comes an amnesty designed to maximise government revenue. HM Revenue & Customs/Flickr

Give the wealthy a tax amnesty, the budget needs it

The Australian Taxation Office continues its campaign to track down the offshore bank accounts of wealthy Australians, amid a global effort to improve tax transparency. One option the ATO has in its kit…
The survival of Pacific Island tax havens depends on a bigger struggle between the Global North and the Global South. Shutterstock

Pacific Islands shine light on larger tax-haven fight

The role of offshore tax havens have come under increasing fire amid growing global concern over tax revenues, with a calls for greater transparency from the recent G8 summit and the recommendation of…

Travel not so taxing for US millionaires

There is no evidence to support the myth that millionaires migrate to avoid tax changes, according to a joint study by Stanford…

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