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Artikel-artikel mengenai Voluntary euthanasia

Menampilkan 41 - 46 dari 46 artikel

Our health system is geared towards saving lives – even when the person being revived might not want to live. Julie Kertesz

How the care conveyor belt tortures people back to life

ABC’s Four Corners tonight is about a young man who has decided to end his life after 36 years of suffering a debilitating illness. But because euthanasia is illegal in Australia, he has to apply to another…
The bill fails to tackle discrimination in end of life care that would have helped Tony Nicklinson. PA/Emma Hallett

Lack of clarity undermines bill that would help people die

Lord Falconer’s assisted dying bill would allow registered doctors to take steps to help mentally competent adult patients to end their own lives, but only in certain circumstances. One of these circumstances…
Paying attention to the interests of the elderly and disabled people ensures we use appropriate eligibility criteria in euthanasia legislation. SalFalko/Flickr

Safe assisted dying laws are possible, so let’s make them

A report we recently prepared with independent think tank Australia21 calls for state governments to institute laws allowing and regulating voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide – in defined and limited…
We need a debate that considers the empirical evidence about voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide. Anne/Flickr

Starting the debate on voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide

Voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide are never far from the public spotlight. But we still haven’t had an honest and open debate about this issue in Australia. End-of-life matters crop up from time…

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