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Albany Law School

Located in the heart of New York’s capital, Albany Law School is the oldest independent law school in North America.

With more than 160 years of experience in law education, the law school’s students and alumni embark on brilliant careers—a U.S. president, governors including New York’s current governor, chief counsels to Fortune 500 companies, and seats on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Albany Law’s outstanding location—the only law school within 90 miles of New York’s capital—offers unparalleled opportunities for law students. Albany, the home of New York’s highest court, federal courts, and the state legislature, is itself a laboratory for the study of law.


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Corporal punishment in schools around the world is disappearing, but a handful of countries have held on to the practice. Cat Act Art/

School spankings are banned just about everywhere around the world except in US

While more and more countries have moved to ban corporal punishment in schools, certain types of nations have been slower than others to outlaw the practice. A recent analysis seeks to explain why.


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