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Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies

The Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS) is a consortium of three universities: Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga (UIN), and Duta Wacana Christian University (UKDW). Together they offer an integrative, international Ph.D. program in inter-religious studies. This is the only Religious Studies Ph.D. Program that is co-sponsored by Muslim, Christian, and national-secular universities.

The primary strength of ICRS is the study of Indonesian religions, especially Islam. Indonesia includes the largest and most dynamic Muslim population in the world. ICRS also has strong resources for study of Indonesian Christianity and can facilitate research on Balinese Hinduism, Indonesian Buddhism, Indonesian Chinese religions and indigenous local religions. ICRS encourages comparative study with religious movements in other parts of the world.

The program is conducted in English and includes one semester at leading foreign university. Non-Indonesian students may choose to spend the semester in an intensive Indonesian language and culture program. ICRS accepts student from all religions and nationalities. With it combined human library resources, ICRS share a common commitment to inter-religious dialogue and the promotion of peace in Indonesia and the world.



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