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Leiden University

Leiden University was founded in 1575 and is one of the leading international research universities in Europe. The University has seven faculties: Law, Archeaology, Social Sciences, Humanities, Medicine, Natural Sciences and Governance & Global Affairs, spread over campuses in both Leiden and The Hague. Our motto is Praesidium Libertatis – Bastion of Freedom.

Leiden University harbors pioneering research and teaching based on a wide diversity of academic disciplines. The university has excellent research facilities and renowned collections, and a strong and intricate knowledge infrastructure. Over 33,000 students and almost 8,000 staff members form an open, active and engaged University community, with a deep-rooted academic freedom and an intrinsic international orientation. They are driven by the desire to know, understand, interpret and create. They work together to answer the questions of today and keep an eye to the questions of tomorrow.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 98 articles

Replacing ships like the Moskva will be pricey. The flagship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet recently sank after suffering damage. Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP

Russia faces first foreign default since 1918 – here’s how it could complicate Putin’s ability to wage war in Ukraine

Russia is on the verge of defaulting on its foreign debt, which not only could have severe economic consequences but could also complicate Putin’s ability to wage a prolonged war in Ukraine.
The destroyed fuel station in Stoyanka, Ukraine. Putin has been laying the rhetorical groundwork for the invasion of Ukraine for years. Anastasia Vlasova/Getty Images

Using lies and disinformation, Putin and his team have been building the case for a Ukraine invasion for 14 years

Putin’s rationale for invading Ukraine wasn’t built over just a few months in 2021. Putin and high-level Russia government staff have been trash-talking Ukraine for more than a decade.
Nigeria recently started commercial operation of a China-assisted railway linking the southwestern cities of Lagos and Ibadan. Emma Houston/Xinhua via Getty Images

Book review: Nigeria has democracy but not development. How to fix it

In his new book, Nigeria Democracy Without Development: How To Fix It, international political economist Omano Edigheji explains why democracy has not led to development in Nigeria.
A crowd wait in a stadium in Jimma on June 16, 2021 for an electoral campaign rally of Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. EDUARDO SOTERAS/AFP via Getty Images

Ethiopia’s elections are needed. But they face credibility challenges

In Ethiopia’s new and unsettled political space, there are issues related to the current electoral rules, the performance and strength of the opposition parties, and to campaigning.
Protestas en las calles de Medellín, Colombia. Shutterstock / Andres Matheo

¿Qué está pasando en Colombia?

Colombia está sumida en una escalada de violencia cuyo final no se atisba. Las protestas, que se han saldado con decenas de ciudadanos muertos y desaparecidos, empezaron en respuesta al proyecto de reforma tributaria propuesto por el Gobierno debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Pero las raíces de los disturbios son mucho más complejas.
A visualization of daily life around Angkor Wat in the late 12th century. Tom Chandler, Mike Yeates, Chandara Ung and Brent McKee, Monash University, 2021

A metropolis arose in medieval Cambodia – new research shows how many people lived in the Angkor Empire over time

Combining archaeological evidence, aerial scans and machine learning algorithms, researchers modeled how this medieval city grew over time.
Un militaire de l'opération Sentinelle en vigilance devant une église à Marseille le 3 novembre 2020. Christophe SIMON / AFP

« Séparatisme » : et si la politique antiterroriste faisait fausse route ?

Une étude récente montre que contrairement à certains discours, la population « musulmane » en France fait très largement confiance aux institutions de la République.
Bien que l’usage du masque en tissu soit assez généralisé, de nombreuses interrogations subsistent. (Unsplash/Vera Davidova)

Tout savoir sur les masques anti Covid-19 en tissu, en cinq questions

Les épidémiologistes ont passé en revue 25 études sur les masques en tissu. Voici ce qu’ils ont découvert sur leur efficacité, leurs raisons d’être et comment ils protègent – ou pas.
Although cloth masks have been widely adopted, many people still have questions about them. (Usplash/Vera Davidova)

COVID-19 masks FAQs: How can cloth stop a tiny virus? What’s the best fabric? Do they protect the wearer?

Epidemiologists reviewed 25 studies of cloth face masks. Here’s what they found out about how well they work, why they work, who they protect and why the mosquito and chain-link fence analogy is wrong.
Thousands of Armenian-Americans gather to commemorate the 103rd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Los Angeles, California on April 24, 2018. Ronen Tivony/Nur via Getty Images

Armenian genocide: US recognition of Turkey’s killing of 1.5 million was tangled up in decades of geopolitics

As Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day is marked around the globe, a historian examines the little-known players in the long-running fight in the US Congress to pass a bill acknowledging the Genocide.


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