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Macquarie University

Macquarie University is ranked among the top one per cent of universities in the world and enjoys an enviable reputation for research excellence. It’s recognised for the way it uniquely fosters collaboration between students, academics, industry and society – producing graduates who aren’t just highly skilled, but multifaceted global citizens who are among the most sought-after professionals in the world.


Displaying 341 - 360 of 1432 articles

Missionary Annie Lock with Enbarda (Betsy) left, and Dolly Cumming, both children from the Alice Springs area in Central Australia. Photo taken in Darwin. National Archives of Australia

Hidden women of history: Annie Lock was a bolshie, outspoken Australian missionary, full of contradictions

I thought I had uncovered a feminist heroine, but for all her intrepid and gutsy behaviour, Lock held intensely socially conservative views in line with her religious conviction.
Le vignoble du Forum Boarium, à Pompéi. Emlyn Dodd

À Pompéi, le vin coulait à flots

Dans l’Antiquité, Pompéi était si réputée pour son vin que d’autres régions fabriquaient du vin contrefait qu’elles vendaient dans des imitations des jarres en terre cuite.
The Tailban destroyed this Buddha statue dating to the 6th century AD in Bamiyan, Afghanistan, in March 2001. The photo on the left was taken in 1977. AP Photo/Etsuro Kondo, (left photo) and Osamu Semba, both Asahi

The Taliban’s rule threatens what’s left of Afghanistan’s dazzlingly diverse cultural history

From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban outlawed almost all forms of art while looting and destroying museums. With their resurgence, Australia must strengthen measures to stop trafficking of antiquities.

Suspensions and expulsions could set our most vulnerable kids on a path to school drop-out, drug use and crime

Analysis shows most suspensions in SA in 2019 were given to Indigenous students with a disability, followed by children with a disability living in care. These children need support, not dismissal.
Members of the Tangentyere Women’s Family Safety Group from Alice Springs at an event to discuss combatting family violence at Parliament House in Canberra, 2018. Mick Tsikas/AAP Image

We need a national plan to address family violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

The recent Women’s Safety Summit highlighted Australia’s problem with gender-based violence. However, violence experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women is still not being addressed.


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