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Macquarie University

Macquarie University is ranked among the top one per cent of universities in the world and enjoys an enviable reputation for research excellence. It’s recognised for the way it uniquely fosters collaboration between students, academics, industry and society – producing graduates who aren’t just highly skilled, but multifaceted global citizens who are among the most sought-after professionals in the world.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 1412 articles

A educação de crianças tanto em países de baixa renda como o Sudão do Sul quanto em países desenvolvidos como os EUA já está sendo afetada negativamente pelos extremos das mudanças climáticas. Richard Juilliart/Shutterstock

Escolas fechadas: mudanças climáticas já prejudicam a educação de crianças ao redor do mundo

Ensinar as crianças sobre a crise ambiental pode ajudar a combater as mudanças climáticas, mas as mudanças climáticas já estão afetando negativamente a educação de crianças em todo o mundo
The education of students in countries like Sudan is already being negatively affected by the extremes of climate change. Richard Juilliart/Shutterstock

School’s out: how climate change is already badly affecting children’s education

Teaching children about the environmental crisis can help fight climate change, but climate change is already negatively affecting children’s education around the globe.


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