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Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

The goal of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems is to investigate and understand the organizing principles of intelligent systems and the underlying perception-action-learning loop. The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems combines – within one center – theory, software, and hardware expertise in the research field of intelligent systems.

The Tübingen campus of the institute focuses on theory and algorithms as well as human-scale systems covering topics such as machine learning, computer vision, control, and the theory of intelligence. Research at the Stuttgart campus of the institute covers small-scale robotics, self-organization, haptic perception, bio-inspired systems, medical robotics, robotic materials and physical intelligence; that is, the embodiment of intelligent behavior in physical, rather than computational, systems.


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Intelligence artificielle : prendre en compte ses risques concrets, plutôt que de potentielles menaces existentielles

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