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Monash University

Change has been the driving force of Monash University’s growth and success for more than 60 years as we have strived to make a positive difference in the world, and it’s the foundation of our future as we redefine what it means to be a university.

Our Impact 2030 strategic plan charts the path for how we will actively contribute to addressing three key global challenges of the age – climate change, geopolitical security and thriving communities – through excellent research and education for the benefit of national and global communities.

With four Australian campuses, as well as campuses in Malaysia and Indonesia, major presence in India and China, and a significant centre and research foundation in Italy, our global network enriches our education and research, and nurtures enduring, diverse global relationships.

We harness the research and expertise of our global network of talent and campuses to produce tangible, real-world solutions and applications at the Monash Technology Precinct, where our ethos of change catalyses collaboration between researchers, infrastructure and industry, and drives innovation through commercial opportunities that deliver positive impact to human lives.

In our short history, we have skyrocketed through global university rankings and established ourselves consistently among the world’s best tertiary institutions. We rank in the world’s top-50 universities in the QS World University Rankings 2024, Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2023 and US News and World Report (USNWR) Best Global Universities Rankings 2022-23.

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Displaying 3901 - 3920 of 3985 articles

The environment: get out into it. jcolman/Flickr

One small thing you can do for the environment: be inspired

Welcome to “One small thing …”. We asked our authors what one small thing they, or you, could do for the environment. We’ll bring their answers to you on Friday afternoons. Today’s one small thing comes…
Four times Australia’s GDP could be hiding in here. AAP

Will rare earth elements power our clean energy future?

Rare earth elements (REEs), for so long ignored by big mining companies, have recently become incredibly popular. But, contrary to what their names suggests, they are not particularly rare. They do, however…
Thursday’s make-or-break EU finance ministers meeting looks set to be a highly charged affair. AAP

Greece can’t be quarantined, so Europe will keep on giving it medicine

As Margaret Thatcher’s trade minister in the 1980s, Norman Tebbit devoted much of his time to dealing with the European Community – the precursor to the European Union. Routinely, at meetings in Brussels…
An ethical journalistic culture cannot be imposed from above but must develop within a news gathering organisation. AAP

Ethical reporting after NotW phone hacking: it isn’t black and white

The handwritten sign hanging on the bereaved family’s door says: “No media”. As a reporter, do you knock? Most journalism students yell back a resounding “No”. Okay then, what if the family has a high…
Julia Gillard was confronted by a shopper about the government’s carbon tax. AAP/Patrick Hamilton

Gillard’s carbon tax fightback evens up the playing field

Before the details of the carbon tax were released this week, the government was fighting with one hand tied behind its back. Sometimes it looked like it had both hands and feet manacled as Prime Minister…
Refugees fled the Crusades. This is a detail from St Dominic and the Albigenses by Pedro Berruguete. Flickr/derechoaleer

Why lessons from the past can help us understand the refugee debate

Given the often hysterical media coverage of the refugee debate you could be forgiven for thinking that people seeking refuge in other countries is a new phenomenon. Not so. Refugees have been around since…
Convicted killer Arthur Freeman is led away from the Supreme Court in Melbourne. AAP

The fraught issue of how we deal with mentally ill offenders

Arthur Freeman’s involvement in an altercation in Victoria’s Barwon prison this week has again highlighted the fraught issue of how we deal with offenders who commit crimes that many of us assume could…
Latrobe Valley’s longer term future will depend on the cost of building new gas-fired plants. AAP

After coal: what’s the future of Victoria’s Latrobe Valley?

There appears to be lots of ‘doom and gloom’ around brown coal generation in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley under the carbon tax. It is far from obvious that this is justified – at least in the next few years…
Technology now being developed will profoundly alter human experience. hebedesign

Tomorrow never nodes, but wireless sensor networks will help

Can you imagine a world where millions of interconnected wireless sensors provide early warning of natural disasters? Well, imagination might soon not be necessary. Our perception depends on a complex…
Investment in Australia’s ports is one obvious priority to enhance growth - but let’s broaden our outlook.

With the NBN locked in, it’s time to bridge our infrastructure gaps

There has been much debate in the popular and political discourse on the state of our national infrastructure. The general consensus, despite Victoria’s Baillieu government’s failure to put forth any proposals…
A Melbourne picket line during the 1998 waterfront dispute. Takver's Soapbox/Wikipedia

Peter Reith: ‘true believer’ or party pooper

After his failed attempt at winning the Liberal Party presidency, Peter Reith has become a liberated soul. As president he would be expected to avoid controversy, especially on policy issues. But now…
Thousands of Brits moved to Australia for the thrill of a more glamorous life. But many struggled. Flickr/MarkFaviellPhotos

A moving history: how personal stories illuminate the past

Published biographies, and indeed many histories, are often about the famous, rich or powerful. And most often, they’re about men. I’ve preferred to research and write about so-called “ordinary” men and…
Can the IMF’s new head, Christine Lagarde restore much-needed confidence in the euro? AAP

Will Christine Lagarde break the mould at the IMF?

Quelle surprise. French finance minister Christine Lagarde has been announced as the new managing director of the IMF, succeeding the beleaguered Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Like Strauss-Khan (known as ‘DSK…


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