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University of Birmingham

A leading research-intensive university, the University of Birmingham is a vibrant, global community and an internationally-renowned institution, in the top 20 in the UK and 100 globally. With approximately 28,000 students and 6,000 members of staff, its work brings people from more than 150 countries to Birmingham.

The University of Birmingham has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century. Characterised by a tradition of innovation, research at Birmingham has broken new ground, pushed forward the boundaries of knowledge and made an impact on people’s lives.

We continue this tradition today and have ambitions for a future that will embed our work and recognition of the Birmingham name on the international stage.

Universities are never complete. They develop as new challenges and opportunities occur. At the University of Birmingham we innovate, we push the frontiers of understanding; we ask new research questions, we turn theory through experiment into practice – because that’s what great universities do.


Displaying 1541 - 1560 of 1572 articles

London needs to unload some of its air passengers on the rest of the UK. Anthony Devlin/PA

Regional Britain would benefit from Heathrow closure

The next phase of airport development in the UK is certainly proving controversial. We have seen proposals to build entirely new airports to the east of London. New runways have been suggested at Stansted…
Brits need to clean up their act when travelling overseas. Flickr: wanderinghome

Brits behaving badly: new report details travel troubles

Deaths, arrests, missing passports, hospitalisations, rapes and sexual assaults - it’s holiday season and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has published its annual report on British behaviour…
Shut out: EU states have been banned from any investment in Israeli settlements. Helga Tawil Souri via Creative Commons

EU ban on Israeli settlements could be a game changer

After years of declarations, warnings and internal bickering, the European Union has finally done it. On Friday, Brussels is expected to announce that future agreements between the EU (or any of its member…
Two years ago South Sudanese were partying as the country split from Sudan. Tim Freccia / Enough Project

Little cause for celebration on South Sudan’s birthday

The second anniversary of South Sudan’s independence is overshadowed by the release of the annual State Failure Index by the Fund for Peace, which ranks the country as the world’s fourth most failed state…
Julbilation: protesters at Cairo’s Abd El Meniem Ryad Square cheer the news of the fall of Mohamed Morsi. Haleem Elsha'rani via Creative Commons

Egypt: where turmoil comes with the constitution

The military coup in Egypt that ended the reign of the country’s first democratically elected president was, in part, triggered by increasingly large protests of Egyptians who were deeply dissatisfied…
Khat and meow-meow are two different beasts. Flickr/A.Davey

Khat on a hot tin roof but it’s no meow-meow

In his humorous novel Black Mischief, the 20th century English writer Evelyn Waugh wrote “Mahmud el Khali bin Sai'ud sat among his kinsmen, moodily browsing over his lapful of khat”. Of course, Waugh wasn’t…
Getting the green light for NHS treatment - but who pays? Flickr/Martin Kliehm

Distinction between ‘sick’, ‘frail’ and ‘disabled’ has to go

Since the 1940s our welfare state has been built around the assumption that it’s possible to distinguish between people who are “sick” and people who are merely “frail” or “disabled”. While we consider…
The opposition claimed more than seven million Egyptians had signed a petition calling for the president to step down. Zeinab Mohamed/Flickr

Morsi’s authority ebbed away, but Egypt is dangerously divided

“Egypt is split” is how many Egyptians describe the current crisis rippling through the country. Before Wednesday night’s apparent military coup, journalists had reported on pro and anti-Morsi demonstrations…
LCP care pathway debate should focus on better care for the dying. Flickr/ejorpin

‘Death pathway’ label does little to help the dying

The death of 83-year-old Jean Tulloch is to be officially investigated after her son’s claims that doctors attempted to speed up the end of her life by withdrawing food and fluids. Once again we see more…
Lebanese army in Tripoli where violence is a way of life. Wikimedia Commons

Weary Lebanon licked by the flames engulfing Syria

The fighting that has engulfed the Lebanese city of Sidon over the past week, leaving at least 15 soldiers dead and more than 70 injured, has raised tension across the country. The clashes come on the…
Evening all: Elected commissioners are under pressure. Kenjonbro via Creative Commons

Was the election of police commissioners a mistake?

The tension between senior police officers and their elected masters has spilled over into the political arena after reports of chief constables being bullied out of their jobs and complaints of misuse…
The grim cost of conflict. Freedom House via Creative Commons

Syria casts its shadow as G8 leaders gather

President Obama’s confirmation that the United States would begin arming Syrian rebels has prompted an urgent debate about both the legality and the effectiveness of the decision. The announcement, ahead…
Blue sky thinking won’t get nuclear over the line. tj blackwell

To reach emissions targets, government must invest in nuclear

There are few more important pieces of legislation under discussion in the UK than the Electricity Market Reform Bill. Though noble in its ambition to re-sculpt the energy landscape from a dependence on…
Bum deal: people in poorer inner city areas tend to get worse services, such as less access to GPs. PA/Gareth Fuller

A&E visits research needs more careful scrutiny

A new study shows an association between less access to GPs and high rates of attendance in nearby accident and emergency (A&E) units. It’s an interesting piece of work but risks inflaming an already…
Syrian rebel troops in a firefight in Aleppo. Freedom House

From Arab Spring to regional sectarian war

The promise by Syrian rebel leader Selim Idriss this week that “we are allowed to fight Hezbollah fighters inside [Lebanese] territory” was a chilling intimation of what may lie ahead for the region. What…
Passions run high when it comes to the NHS but despite some unprecedented challenges it will do what it always does - survive. PA

Despite the difficulties, the NHS is not dead yet

The NHS in 2013 is facing a series of unprecedented challenges. A rapidly ageing population is just one of a number of factors fuelling a rise in demand for services and hospitals are struggling to cope…
Royal service? Eddie Stobart is among the firms expected to bid for legal aid contracts. Andrew Milligan /PA Archive

Legal aid reforms will leave the poor with little choice

If you were in a fix and looking for a lawyer, would you think of bringing in haulage contractor, Eddie Stobart, to argue your case? Or Tesco, for that matter? And while G4S may be experienced at running…
Without energy storage technology we’re leaving good energy blowing in the wind. Danny Lawson/PA

When the wind blows we must capture it for a calmer day

The handling of Britain’s energy strategy leaves much to be desired, subject as it is to short term politics over long term planning. We face a trilemma that stems from the opposing tension of climate…


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