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University of Birmingham

A leading research-intensive university, the University of Birmingham is a vibrant, global community and an internationally-renowned institution, in the top 20 in the UK and 100 globally. With approximately 28,000 students and 6,000 members of staff, its work brings people from more than 150 countries to Birmingham.

The University of Birmingham has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century. Characterised by a tradition of innovation, research at Birmingham has broken new ground, pushed forward the boundaries of knowledge and made an impact on people’s lives.

We continue this tradition today and have ambitions for a future that will embed our work and recognition of the Birmingham name on the international stage.

Universities are never complete. They develop as new challenges and opportunities occur. At the University of Birmingham we innovate, we push the frontiers of understanding; we ask new research questions, we turn theory through experiment into practice – because that’s what great universities do.


Displaying 1521 - 1540 of 1572 articles

Jaguar Land Rover needs more engineers. David Jones/PA

Skill shortage stops UK from engineering global success

The future competitiveness of the British economy is founded on the country’s engineers. Sir James Dyson, one of the UK’s most important entrepreneurial designers, regularly bemoans the shortage of skilled…
Flamethrower Tank in Vietnam. Donn A Starry

Explainer: what is napalm?

There are allegations that a nerve agent was used in Syria recently. According to US officials, it killed more than 1400 people, including 400 children. But since then, in a more recent incident, a bomb…
Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin remain deeply divided. Pete Souza

Obama v Putin as G20 meets in Syria’s shadow

The G20 begins today and whether this is the best or the worst of times depends on how important one considers Syria to be. Because the manoeuvring and diplomacy surrounding the increasingly vicious civil…
We love the NHS but maybe we love life more. PA/Dave Thompson

Jumping the organ queue questions some core principles

Giving priority for transplants to people who have joined the organ donor register (ODR) isn’t a new idea and is already happening in countries such as Israel and Singapore. In Israel, where a points-based…
Government funding can be poorly targeted. PlayStation Europe

State cash for gaming? I’ll stick to Kickstarter, thanks

The UK government’s Technology Strategy Board has announced (and not for the first time) that it’s putting its weight behind the creative media sector, this time by way of a competition designed to encourage…
Hope they backed it up … purplemattfish

Explainer: how do you destroy a hard drive?

Anyone who looked at The Guardian’s website this week will have seen a picture of one of the newspaper’s own laptops smashed and in pieces. Why did this Mac have to die? The article accompanying the photo…
Mind the gap: health services in trouble if we continue to expect too much. PA/Carl Court

Developed world can’t have it all or health will hit the buffers

Health services are under constant scrutiny and rarely out of the news. But discussions about how and even whether they can continue are likely to exercise the whole developed world in the near future…
Children receive little guidance on how to use the internet safely. Enokson

Children need help to understand online bullying perils

I can only begin to imagine the pain, grief and suffering of the family of Hannah Smith, who committed suicide recently after apparently being bullied online, and Daniel Perry, who appears to have killed…
The pain of conflict. Wikimedia Commons

Tears and terror as Egypt slides towards civil war

Egypt is waking up to a death toll of more than 460 people after yesterday’s massacres. After factoring in the death toll of weeks of unrest, that’s close on 800 dead and many thousands more injured since…
Hip fractures in older people could speed up frailty. JoSullivan.59

Hip fractures and depression quicken frailty in the elderly

Older people are more likely to suffer a fall and with an ageing population, hip fractures are a growing issue. And new research suggests that the impact of a fall may speed up frailty. The factors influencing…
Yemen has two insurgencies, an AQAP threat and infighting among the armed forces. Wikimedia

West has key role to play amid Yemen’s al-Qaeda resurgence

Yemen is once again at the centre of a major terrorist threat. The Yemeni government has announced the uncovering of a major Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) plot aimed at the country’s critical…
Happier times: Catherine Ashton meets Mohamed Morsi after his election as Egypt’s president. European External Action Service

Mixed messages from the EU won’t help solve Egypt’s crisis

The stand-off in Egypt continues. A sit in by supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi has been put on notice that they will be cleared out by force if necessary. The protesters for their part have…
Wanna take down a casino? DEF CON minglers swap tips. vissago

Hack the mini bar, spot the feds, DEF CON is back

Why would thousands of people flock to Las Vegas, right in the middle of summer, when temperatures easily reach the high thirties, to shut themselves up in one of Sin City’s largest hotels without spending…
It’s a big world out there. Ronaldhole

Marine compound first new natural antibiotic in decades

A new antibiotic that is effective at killing anthrax and superbug MRSA bacteria could be a weapon in the fight against antibiotic resistance - and terrorism. Anthracimycin, a chemical compound derived…


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