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University of Dayton

Founded in 1850, the University of Dayton is a top-tier Catholic, Marianist research university deeply committed to the common good. Our faith is a beacon that guides us and leads us to act and build community by inviting people with diverse talents, interests and backgrounds to enrich and advance our common mission.

With one billion dollars in sponsored research contracts underway, the University of Dayton is No. 9 nationally for sponsored research among private four-year U.S. universities that do not perform medical research. We are the No. 1 Catholic university for sponsored engineering research and development – and No. 1 in the nation for all sponsored materials research and development.

We have partnered with some of the world’s largest Fortune 500 companies, helping us to become a more remarkably proactive, forward-thinking university. GE Aviation and Emerson built research facilities right on campus so students and faculty work side-by-side with professionals to create solutions to real-world problems.

More than 8,000 full-time undergraduates and 2,800 graduate and law students from across the country and around the world pursue learning through more than 80 undergraduate and 50 graduate and doctoral programs. We are dedicated in the Marianist tradition, to educating the whole person and linking learning and scholarship with leadership and service.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 244 articles

Controversy over displays of the Ten Commandments on government property is nothing new, but only one case about schools has reached the Supreme Court. AP Photo/Dave Martin

An American flag, a pencil sharpener − and the 10 Commandments: Louisiana’s law to mandate biblical displays in classrooms is the latest to push limits of religion in public schools

The Supreme Court’s approach toward religion in schools has been shifting, creating uncertainty about legislation such as Louisiana’s.
A march for climate action in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican in June 2015. Pope Francis praised the participants, who included Christians, Muslims, Jews and Hindus. AP Photo/Andrew Medichini

Vatican conference on ‘climate resilience’ is the latest in a long line of environment initiatives by Pope Francis and the Catholic Church – 5 essential reads

Pope Francis and other Catholic leaders committed to raising awareness of environmental issues draw on centuries of tradition.
Un manifestant contre les mutilations génitales féminines tient une pancarte devant l'Assemblée nationale à Banjul le 18 mars 2024. Photo: Muhamadou Bittaye/AFP via Getty Images

La Gambie pourrait autoriser à nouveau les mutilations génitales féminines : un nouveau signe d'une tendance mondiale à l'érosion des droits des femmes

La possible levée de l'interdiction des mutilations génitales féminines représente un danger pour le bien-être des filles en Gambie
Esther denouncing Haman, who, according to the Purim story, attempted to have all Jews within the Persian Empire massacred. Hutchinson's History of the Nations/Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Purim’s original queen: How studying the Book of Esther as fan fiction can teach us about the roots of an unruly Jewish festival

Whether thousands of years ago or right now, fans have always created new stories based on familiar characters, weaving their own experiences into the tale.


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