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University of Leicester

We think a university should be about empowering people to explore what they don’t know; through passionate, dedicated teaching and innovative, world-changing research. By embracing the fact that we’re all coming at it from a slightly different place, and that every journey is personal, we’ve managed to achieve some remarkable results in our time.

We believe that the best universities are not just the privilege of elites. We’re proof that you can stand alongside the best and open up the competition for everyone.

Some universities consider their primary purpose to be high quality research, others concentrate on excellent teaching. At Leicester we think that the two are not only complementary, they’re inseparable. We believe that teaching is more inspirational when delivered by passionate scholars engaged in world-changing research – and that research is stronger when delivered in an academic community that includes students.

With these ideas at heart, Leicester is re-framing the values that govern academia and re-defining what a university needs to be in the 21st century. We are constantly finding new ways of being a leading university.

We are the only university to win six consecutive Times Higher Awards. The Times Higher Education applauded Leicester’s very different approach, describing us as “elite without being elitist”.


Displaying 461 - 480 of 485 articles

The Great Dying broke even the trilobite’s back. tjt195

The greatest mass extinction ever may have been kicked off by microbes

The worst time to be alive in Earth’s history is unarguably the end-Permian, about 250 million years ago. It is the period when the greatest-ever extinction event recorded took place, killing 97% of all…
The tie-in merchandising costs HOW much?! julochka

Lego Movie CEO is evil because bad bosses sell cinema tickets

President Business is a bad guy. We know that because he is the chief executive of the Octan Corporation. He also has bad hair, control issues, and transforms into the evil tyrant Lord Business who – together…
The hairband I’m rockin’? Mum bought it. amslerPIX

Couples where mothers earn more are no more likely to split

Families where mothers earn as much as or more than fathers are no more likely to split up than those where mothers earn less, according to new research published today. In fact, the evidence shows that…
Famous bones. AAP/University of Leicester

Scientists to sequence Richard III’s genome

Genomes from the 500-year-old remains of King Richard III and a direct living descendant are to be sequenced by scientists, which could reveal more about the life of the last king to be killed in battle…
Google has you in a filter bubble and you might not even know it. melanie.phung

Google still controls your information, despite EU ruling

After a long investigation, Google has finally reached a settlement with the European Commission about how it presents search results. The Commission had started investigating Google in the first place…
Oh no, volcano! Chuang Zhao and Lida Xing

Feathered dinosaur death site revealed as ‘animal Pompeii’

A series of fossil discoveries in the 1990s changed our understanding of the lives of early birds and mammals, as well as the dinosaurs they shared an ecosystem with. All those discoveries had one thing…
Is it a wolf? Is it a dog? No, it’s a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog. dutch-tiger

Canine conundrum: did dog days dawn in Europe?

Dogs have a special connection with humans, more so than any other animal. But until recently little was known about how we formed this bond. Charles Darwin once speculated: “I do not believe … that all…
Not so super now, eh? Graham Beards

Bacteria-eating viruses return, this time to fight superbugs

Bacteria-eating viruses that kill the hospital superbug C. difficile have been isolated by scientists. The use of these kinds of viruses, known as phages, to tackle bacterial infection was employed before…
Double jet lag? No thanks. Dr D Wilcockson, IBERS, Aberystwyth University

Coastal creatures have two genetic body clocks

You get hauled out of bed in the morning not just because of an alarm clock. We are genetically encoded with a 24-hour (circadian) body clock that allows us to live in harmony with our environment. But…
Busted: only about 15% of drugs cross the border on mules. The rest is in big shipments. PA Wire

Five myths about drug mules and the death penalty

Drug mules have barely been out of the UK news this August. First the “Peru two”, Melissa Reid from Scotland and Michaela Connolly from Ireland, were arrested attempting to leave Lima with just under 12kgs…
But I don’t speak Spanish! Wikimedia Commons

After 300 years, more monkey business on Rock of Gibraltar

Once again Britain and Spain have been at loggerheads this week over a 2.6 square mile rock which the former has occupied and the other complained about for 300 years. It would be over-egging things to…
Your fat isn’t burning: try harder. NTT Docomo

Fat breath: Japan develops a weight loss breathalyser

A Japanese research team claims to have developed a pocket-sized device that reveals if your body is burning fat in real time by measuring the amount of acetone on the breath. The prototype device is aimed…
Let’s start humanity, genetically speaking. FurLined

Genetic Adam and Eve may have walked on Earth at the same time

All scientific evidence points to the fact that, if you go far enough back, all life on Earth is related through common ancestry. Turns out that applying the same sort of analysis shows that all humans…
Finding happiness is about more than making money. Rui Vieira/PA

Economic migration may not lead to happiness

People who move to wealthier countries surely expect that migration will lead them to a better life – but new research suggests that economic migrants are unlikely to achieve greater happiness in their…
Looks like a modern human, but isn’t. Evolution just got more complicated. Erich Ferdinand

Albert and Adam rewrite the story of human origins

The DNA of Albert Perry may change the story of human origins. Perry was an African-American born into slavery in South Carolina. An analysis of the DNA of his descendants produced results that came as…


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