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University of Technology Sydney

The University of Technology Sydney is an Australian university with an international focus. UTS is a recognised leader in teaching and learning with a model founded on discovery, creativity and collaboration. UTS research aims to reach out to the world, to drive change and discover practical solutions to national and international problems.


Displaying 2181 - 2195 of 2195 articles

worldcom. AAP

The curse of corporate conflicts

Conflict of interests occur often in corporate life, where multiple interests intersect and where objectivity and professional detachment have been replaced by self-interest and concealment. Often they…
Environmental disaster, valuable habitat or both. Flickr/tsuda

Could oil rigs be used to protect the deep sea?

The 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill reminds us of our ever-increasing footprint on our oceans. But could we be converting oil rigs from an environmental threat to a benefit? We have long thought…
hi vis gillard. AAP

Gender, unemployment and unpaid work

In her paean to the virtues and benefits of paid work, Prime Minister Julia Gillard fails to acknowledge the complex intersections of paid and unpaid work in social and individual well being. Good jobs…
Police office Chris Hurley was initially investigated by a friend after the death of Mulrunji Doomdagee in 2004. AAP/Dave Hunt

Police investigators too in-house to probe deaths in custody

Twenty years since the handing down of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody there is still no system for genuine independent investigation of prisoner fatalities. Yet one central element…
Frontline to change: Australian Defence Force Academy graduates in 2009.

Women in the frontline … fighting dinosaurs in the ADF

The current media frenzy around the sex scandal enveloping the Australian Defence Force Academy, and the predictable response to reports that women will be fast-tracked into combat roles, illustrates the…
Consumers don’t always make the ‘right’ ethical choice. AFP / Lionel Healing

The myth of the ethical consumer

It seems every company now considers corporate social responsibility a vital part of their proposition for customers. But even with scandals involving multinationals like Enron, Tyco and Siemens, we could…
If only those carbon credits had been used on this. Flickr/Roberto Verzo

Reining in the carbon cowboys - what we can learn from shift2neutral

Fairfax papers reported this morning that one of the world’s biggest carbon offset firms, located in Sydney, has been “shifting paper certificates instead of saving forests”. Shift2neutral has sold carbon…
Choked: Lagos crumbles under the weight of its population. AAP/Pius Utomi Ekpei

Urban trauma: Why we need to rethink our cities

We are entering an era of massive population transfer - a rural exodus of unprecedented proportions. In Asia and Africa farmers and peasants are being lured to mega-cities. This brings myriad benefits…
International students are not fuelling immigration as much as first thought. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

International students impaled on (illusory) population spike

If you’re in politics, population matters. Rival studies on what constitutes a sustainable Australian population project wildly different statistics. But behind the figures are real people whose lives…
The stress a mother experiences during birth can lead to interventions such as caesareans.. Salim Fadhley/flickr

Hospital birth units make stress-heads out of mums

More than 200,000 Australian women give birth in hospital every year, but very few give much thought to the room in which they will do it. Imagine a woman’s surprise when they walk in to discover that…
Last week’s Google Books ruling was a win for copyright protection. AAP

Google Books decision shows we need to turn a new page

The decision by a US Federal Court judge last week to reject a $US125 million settlement between Google Books and the publishing industry allows authors to protect their copyright and prevents Google from…
Accidental discoveries during academic research have changed the world. AAP/Leon Neal

Accidental discovery and the importance of communication

Foundation essay – “If we knew what it was we were doing, it wouldn’t be called research, would it?” While slightly flippant, this comment by Albert Einstein captures the unpredictability of research beautifully…
Offsetting air travel is as simple as ticking a box on a website. So why aren’t more of us doing it? AAP

Taking responsibility for your carbon footprint

With the political debate over climate change getting muddier, many people who used to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by buying carbon offsets are no longer doing so. The market for carbon offsets…
Not too young to care about super. Sean Dreilinger/Flickr

If you think super is a yawn now, try being old and poor

TV breakfast shows often air the live reactions of people who have answered the phone to win ten thousand dollars or the like. Screams of delight or speechless surprise are usually followed by plans for…
You can achieve a healthy weight gain during pregnancy by eating healthily and being physically active. TuttleTree

Why it’s a bad idea to eat for two during pregnancy

In the past, women have often been told they should eat for two during pregnancy. This old adage is not true anymore, especially if women are overweight or obese when starting their pregnancy. Restricting…


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