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University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro

The University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD; Portuguese: Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) is a public university located in the north-eastern city of Vila Real, Portugal.

It became a public university in 1986, although its history also includes a heritage received from its predecessor, the Vila Real Polytechnic Institute, created in 1973. This Institute took on a relevant role in the development of the region, and in September 1979, it was converted into the Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro Higher Education Institute. It was due to the intense activity in the fields of teaching and scientific and technological research that, less than ten years later, the government granted its status as a qualified University.

The University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto includes four university schools and one polytechnic school:

School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences; School of Human and Social Sciences; School of Sciences and Technology; School of Life and Environmental Sciences; Vila Real Higher School of Nursery (polytechnic).


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Pavel Koubek / Unión Europea / Flickr

These are the implications of the latest wave of mega-fires for the European Green Deal

In a new study, the authors discuss the role that poor forest management in protected areas, commercial plantations and fuel condition play in the spread of fire.
Pavel Koubek / Unión Europea / Flickr

Hemos identificado las verdaderas causas de la última ola de megaincendios en Europa

En un nuevo estudio, los autores exponen el papel que la escasa gestión del monte en áreas protegidas, las plantaciones comerciales y el estado del combustible tienen en la propagación del fuego.
El incendio en Pedrogão Grande del 17 de junio de 2017 fue la primera tormenta de fuego en la península ibérica. Enoque Moises / Shutterstock

Tormentas de fuego: qué hacer frente a los incendios de potencia atómica

En junio de 2017 se produjo el primer incendio de sexta generación de la península ibérica en Pedrogão Grande (Portugal): ¿hemos aprendido algo desde entonces?


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