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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 2961 - 2980 of 4198 articles

Long Bay Correctional Centre was dubbed the ‘Long Bay Hilton’ by ‘tough on crime’ advocates whose campaigns helped fill prison cells to overflowing. Wikimedia Commons/J Bar

State of imprisonment: prisoners of NSW politics and perceptions

Most crime in NSW has been declining since the early 2000s, and the state’s current murder rate is half what it was in 1988. So why is the NSW prison population growing?
When thinking about academic standards, it’s important to think about the incentives to keep standards high - or low. from

The slide of academic standards in Australia: a cautionary tale

The recent furore about academic standards in Australian higher education – including Monday’s damning Four Corners expose – has the potential to bring not only desperately needed attention, but actual change, to the sector.
Foreign ministers Julie Bishop and Mohammad Zarif demonstrated a growing rapport between Australia and Iran in reaching agreement on some but not all fronts during her visit to Tehran. EPA

Ms Bishop goes to Tehran: a story of good news and bad news

Australia made progress on restoring trade and sharing intelligence on Islamic State in Iraq. Iran was less open to accepting the return of asylum seekers, which may prove a blessing in disguise.
The recent concentration on Victoria Cross heroes as major ‘carriers’ of the Anzac legend has skewed Australian military history. AAP/Mark Graham

A hundred in a million: our obsession with the Victoria Cross

Australians now seem so fascinated by the Victoria Cross that such attention has begun to get in the way of a balanced perspective on its place in military history.
Men like Australian official correspondent, and later official war historian, Charles Bean (pictured on the island of Imbros, in 1915) understood the myth-making power of images. Source: Australian War Memorial

Why the Anzac legend has always been about branding

The Anzac legend is under siege by marketers trying to cash in: but the government also has a branding stake.
The current level of mental health services funding mean we are already failing people who need help. Davi Ozolin/Flickr

Mental health services need more money, not a reshuffle

A proposal to re-direct a billion dollars of funding from acute hospital mental health services to the community risks causing a major destabilisation of the public mental health system.
“Spoiling for a Bar Fight” Jonathan Cohen/Flickr

Violence: Blaming the bloke but not the booze

Is alcohol-fuelled violence caused by the booze itself or by the macho culture in which the drinking occurs? If we are to believe a recent study commissioned by the alcohol company Lion, it’s the culture…
The High Court has upheld a NSW Court of Appeal decision that ICAC had no power to investigate Crown prosecutor Margaret Cunneen. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

High Court forces ICAC to drop Cunneen inquiry and review others

The High Court has decided ICAC did not have the power to investigate a NSW Crown prosecutor, so the commission will have to review investigations involving the conduct of private individuals.
There’s no use pretending the teacher doesn’t have more knowledge than everyone else in the room; this is the way it should be. from

Ignore the fads: teachers should teach and students should listen

Explicit instruction - where the teacher stands at the front of the class and teaches - is out of vogue with educators who prefer collaborative learning. But it’s really the only teaching style with proven results.
Devoting time to looking after others can result in significant hidden costs to the carer. Shutterstock/Goodluz

Carers deserve more credit in the retirement incomes debate

If the 5.5 million unpaid carers didn’t look after others – at the expense of careers and incomes – taxpayers would bear the costs, so as a community we should give carers a fairer deal in retirement.
Evie Wyld, author of All The Birds, Singing, is one of the guests at this year’s Sydney Writers’ Festival.

On interviewing Evie Wyld, my literary crush

Evie Wyld will be a guest at this year’s Sydney Writers’ Festival. Here, she speaks with a passionate reader about the success of her award-winning book, All The Birds, Singing.


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