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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 3261 - 3280 of 4198 articles

Protest can become suspect under terrorism legislation. Michael Stephens/PA Archive/Press Association Images

Violence in Britain: how the war on terror criminalises ordinary people

It is now accepted that the war on terror has generated an extensive repertoire of its very own terror. Drone strikes resulting in extrajudicial killings, rendition and torture – zones of exception like…
Some pain, but the nation will benefit: Hockey’s first budget. AAP/Lukas Coch

Federal budget 2014: economists react

The Abbott government has laid out its path to reach a budget surplus near the end of the decade in the face of continued below-trend growth. Stopping short of making deep cuts in the coming years, Treasurer…
Learning and having fun aren’t mutually exclusive: videogames (such as Portal) bridge the two perfectly. Steve Elgersma/Flickr

Videogames should be a teacher’s best friend

Although videogames are seen by many as a waste of time, one thing they do undeniably well is teach. The problem is that educational games are about as much a game as low-fat ice cream is delicious. Both…
Childhood memories seem few and far between – if they still exist at all. So why can’t we dig them up as adults? Rob./Flickr

Neuron study helps explain why we forget

Memories from early childhood are notoriously elusive but why can’t we recall our most formative experiences? New research suggests it could be a case of the old making way for the new – neurons, that…
What is the true state of Australia’s economy? Image sourced from

The state of Australia: the economy

In the lead up to the budget, the story of crisis has been hammered home, but there’s more to a country than its structural deficit. So how is Australia doing overall? In this special series, ten writers…
Fairfax staff are on strike today in protest against cuts to the picture departments at the company’s mastheads. AAP Image/Julian Smith

We need press photographers to record the first draft of history

In the documentary Gallipoli from Above, an Australian production that recently aired on ABC TV, Hugh Dolan, author of 36 Days: The Untold Story Behind the Gallipoli Landings argues that at 4am on April…
A gamma bomb was responsible for Bruce Banner’s alter ego the Hulk, but for most men, aggression is the result of genes. Kevin Thai/Flickr

Temper trap: the genetics of aggression and self-control

Everyone knows someone with a quick temper – it might even be you. And while scientists have known for decades that aggression is hereditary, there is another biological layer to those angry flare-ups…
What’s going on with all of this talk of a budget crisis? AAP/Lukas Coch

Crisis envy and the budget: a Very Serious Problem

As the 2014-15 budget nears, Australians are hearing that the government must mount an urgent repair job to address the looming structural crisis that will see the budget in deficit for decades to come…
Unfortunately, nothing really works – or works that well – to prevent or treat colds. Jacob Spencer

Health Check: can you treat the common cold?

With symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, cough, headaches and fever, the common cold can leave you feeling rotten for up to two weeks. As the name suggests, they’re annoyingly common…
It’s unrealistic and unfair to expect everyone to have the same retirement age. Shutterstock

The pension age is rising to 70: a case of one size fits some

Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey has confirmed the pension age will rise to 70 by 2035, meaning all Australians currently aged under 50 will be affected. It follows a recommendation from the Commission…
Water management in the Murray-Darling may be inadvertently helping the common carp at the expense of native fish. Tom Rayner

Alien fish boom shows difficulty of replenishing Murray-Darling

Wetlands and rivers need water – not least in the case of Australia’s biggest river system, the Murray-Darling Basin, which has been the target of an “environmental watering” plan designed to preserve…
An artist’s conception of WISE J0855-0714. NASA, JPL-Caltech and Penn State University

Say hello to our new close – but cold – neighbour in space

Author Douglas Adams famously had his Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy remark that “space is really big”. But to my mind the sheer vastness of space is better encapsulated in the recent announcement of…
We could be in for some warmer weather with an increased risk of drought and bushfires. Flickr/Len Matthews

Are we heading for a worrying Super El Niño?

We have only just moved into May and despite being seven months away from next summer in the southern hemisphere, climate researchers are seeing the beginnings of what could be the most powerful El Niño…
The Commission report recommends private health insurers take on a greater role in Australia’s health system. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Commission of Audit’s health hit list: experts respond

The National Commission of Audit has made 86 recommendations with a focus on the federal government’s 15 biggest and fastest-growing areas of spending. Health is near the top of the list, with the Commission…
The Commission of Audit has recommended a major recalibration of Australia’s federal system. Why? AAP/Alan Porritt

Will the Commission of Audit lead to another ‘new federalism’?

The Commission of Audit has not flinched from making a tranche of bold recommendations to the Abbott government, but nothing in its report trumps the call for the Commonwealth to withdraw from areas that…
Confidence will be shaken if it becomes acceptable for governments to jack up taxes because they don’t approve of previous policies. AAP/Alan Porritt

Australia does not have a debt crisis – so just say no, Joe

In the lead-up to the federal budget on May 13 there have been the usual test balloons floated by the government. Raise the aged-pension eligibility age? A $6 co-pay for GP visits? Cuts to the ABC? And…
The three variants of the F-35 Joinst Strike Fighter described as fifth-generation aircraft. Joint Strike Fighter

The F-35 JSF: what is a fifth-generation fighter aircraft?

Any conversation about Australia’s commitment to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter refers to it as a fifth-generation fighter aircraft. But what exactly is a fifth-generation aircraft, and why is it important…


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