Laurier students aren’t content with simply earning a university degree. To them, education is a springboard to something greater: it’s the key to shaping a life, building a community and making a difference.
For more than a century, Laurier has been known for academic excellence. But we’ve also been dedicated to the philosophy that our students’ success is measured through more than grades – it’s based on the quality of the lives they lead, and those they inspire.
Because of the high-stakes and high-reward environment of elite sport, humans have been trying to develop timing and photo-finish equipment that will solve dead heats for decades.
Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board must ensure all injured migrant workers — past, present and future — are spared systemic discrimination in the wake of its recent apology.
The Canadian government’s refusal to include a description of anti-Palestinian racism sends the message that the struggles of Palestinians don’t matter.
Beefs often target Drake’s race, constructing him as a Canadian who is not Black enough to claim an authentic connection to African-American hip hop culture.
How university campuses respond to concerns about student safety can set the stage for learning or encourage its opposite: divisiveness and censorship.
The cruising industry is two-faced: on the surface, cruises are convenient, exciting holidays with economic benefits. But lurking underneath are its environmental and social impacts.
Pakistan’s laws against blasphemy have been used to bring cases against numerous people over the years, and in particular, the country’s religious minorities.
All students who apply to university need ‘U’ courses, but Toronto-area research reveals few students with zero Grade 12 ‘U’ courses apply for any post-secondary education at all.
India is pursuing a policy of pleasing the ruling elites in its neighbourhood, which it hopes will serve its national aspirations to become a regional powerhouse like China.
Global human rights is an area where Chinese officials are willing to engage with the international community and could provide a window of opportunity towards further progress in the future.
Tackling the climate crisis starts with breaking our addiction to fuel. A task complicated by fuels essential role in both promoting and threatening global human security.
Former President Donald Trump’s mug shot is in line with the traditional mug shots that arrested people first took in the mid-1800s and early 1900s, a police photography expert explains.