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Articles on 9/11 (September 11)

Displaying 121 - 140 of 156 articles

The French flag flies over flowers, candles and messages in tribute to victims outside the Le Carillon restaurant a week after a series of deadly attacks in Paris, France last November. Charles Platiau/Reuters

When fear is a weapon: how terror attacks influence mental health

It is probably not a surprise that a terror attack can have a major impact on people’s mental health. But what sort of effects are common, and how long do they last?
The Tribute in Light is seen on the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. 9/11 was the beginning of major changes in the intelligence community. Reuters/Andrew Kelly

The growing link between intelligence communities and academia

The tactics used by America’s current and potential future enemies are constantly changing. Higher education can help by producing graduates able to work in intelligence communities.
It depends who you mean. David Shankbone

Did the US overreact to 9/11?

The new head of Oxford university says it did but while some took post-tragedy patriotism too far, others were pursuing an old agenda.
In American Sniper, Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper) is the ‘sheepdog’ – someone who operates in a state of constant, anxious alertness against inevitable attack. Entertainment Weekly

At its core, American Sniper is about white fear

Many are decrying the film as merely conservative propaganda. But American Sniper – as with many of Eastwood’s films – has a more nuanced approach that addresses modern anxieties.
Carlo Allegri/Reuters

The kind of toughness we need now

I grew up in London during the IRA bombing campaign of the 1970s. I lived in Pittsburgh during the 9/11 attacks when United Flight 93 was forced down not far from the city. I’m currently in Paris where…
It’s normal to feel distressed after a such an attack, but this generally reduces in the following days and weeks. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Social supports build resilience and reduce distress after trauma

People in Sydney and the broader community are feeling shocked, anxious, and sad about the actions of a lone, unstable person that led to the tragic loss of lives in the siege early this week. But there’s…
Packing up and shipping out. Ben Birchall/PA Wire

Farewell to Afghanistan, the unwinnable war

British combat operations have now officially ended in Afghanistan with the handing over of Camp Bastion, the last British military base in the country, handed over to Afghan forces. It was fittingly symbolic…
Is the sun setting on West African oil? A platform in Limbe, Cameroon. VirginieVV

US fracking boom puts West African oil economies at risk

After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the US made a point of diversifying its sources of oil to reduce dependence on the Middle East. It was a strategic move which promised a huge boost to West African…
Suicide bomb attacks, such as this one in Afghanistan last week, continue to wrack the Middle East. EPA/Abdul Mueed

Eleven years after 9/11, are we any safer?

The day will come when 11 September is just another date on the calendar. But that time is still some way off. Eleven years after the horrible spectacle of the World Trade Center towers being struck by…
The aftermath of the 7/7 attacks in London. Wikicommons

Any Olympic terror attack will look more like 7/7 than 9/11

What does one billion Pounds Sterling of Olympics security get you? Rapier surface-to-air missiles in Blackheath common, the Royal Navy’s largest battleship moored in the Thames (complete with eight Lynx…
It’s time for the government to review our national security laws. Flickr/another_activist

The politics of fear: why haven’t counter-terrorism laws changed?

More than ten years ago, the Australian public and policymakers overreacted to 9/11 and created a set of laws that went beyond what was needed to protect us against terrorism. With the recent release of…
Spy agencies in Australia have a big job, but does the job match the budget? Flickr/ocularinvasion

Cloak and dollar: how much do security agencies in Australia really need?

In an era of evolving threats, judgment calls will continue to rely on the provision of accurate, timely intelligence. But this intelligence does not come cheap. In order to be well-prepared and well-organised…
Mourners at the New York 9/11 memorial on tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks. AAP

9/11: The value of memory

This past weekend, whole sections of the United States community felt something like a duty or desire to attend sites linked with the events of 11 September 2001. The public memory ceremonies at these…

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