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Articles on Inequality

Displaying 781 - 800 of 1032 articles

President Jacob Zuma delivers his state of the nation address in Cape Town. Critics say he failed to galvanise the nation. Reuters/Sumaya Hisham

Zuma had a chance to galvanise South Africans. He blew it

South African President, Jacob Zuma, wasted lots of time and space in cheap politicking instead of galvanising South Africans to work together for a better future.
IMF leaders should practise what they preach when it comes to inequality. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

The IMF is showing some hypocrisy on inequality

The IMF has been expressing public concern about inequality since 2010, but this has not translated into concrete action within the IMF’s own policies and programs.
Thomas Piketty has demonstrated how inequality can be – and has been over time – fundamentally destructive of sustained economic growth. Reuters/Charles Platiau

If we are reaching neoliberal capitalism’s end days, what comes next?

The crisis confronting neoliberal capitalism suggests that its internal contradictions are now undermining its very foundations. What can we expect from a post-neoliberal world?

To what extent are you truly free?

Self-determination, freedom of thought, choice of risk arguably have freed society, but then there’s inequality, ill-health and narcissism.
Generations have differences but it’s the inequality within a generation that deserves more debate.

The smashed avo debate misses inequality within generations

The debate about different generations’ economic status misses the inequality within generations, especially younger Australians.
Meeting the challenges of informal settlements, such as this one in Caracas, Venezuela, calls for integrated approaches that cut across urban scales and disciplines. Hesam Kamalipour

When planning falls short: the challenges of informal settlements

Informal settlements are often undocumented or hidden on official maps, but they house about a billion people worldwide. Their existence demands a more sophisticated approach to urban development.

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