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Articles on Inequality

Displaying 721 - 740 of 1032 articles

The highest incidence rates by state for the major cancers for men and women are in Queensland. AAP Image/Julian Smith

New maps reveal cancer levels across Australia, and across the social strata

Public health experts traditionally expect that the poorer you are, the more likely you are to be unwell and die before your time. But newly available data on cancer rates show that’s not always true.
A homeless camp in Los Angeles, where homelessness has risen 23 percent in the past year, in May 2017. AP Photo/Richard Vogel

Why poverty is not a personal choice, but a reflection of society

Americans, an independent group, tend to believe that people can “pull themselves up by their boot straps.” Yet bigger forces are at play in a person’s ability to gain education, a good job and money.
Oak Grove Acapella Singers, a Gospel group of Chester County, Tennessee, being recorded while singing in the office of the preacher at the Oak Grove Church of Christ. Tennessee State Library and Archives

When gospel sermons came on the phonograph

Preachers played a key role in shaping gospel music.
In El Salvador, the dead are almost innumerable, but not forgotten. Jose Cabezas/Reuters

How to fix Latin America’s homicide problem

Latin America’s murder rate is the highest in the world, accounting for one in every four homicides on the planet.
Children living in the most disadvantaged areas will average half the NAPLAN scores in reading, writing and numeracy tests than those living in the least disadvantaged areas. Shutterstock

New research shows there is still a long way to go in providing equality in education

The gap between the most and least advantaged areas in Australia is reflected in educational inequality.
SNAP helps millions of Americans get food on their tables.

The Trump team’s poor arguments for slashing SNAP

Cutting the program formerly known as food stamps would hurt low-income Americans and the whole economy. As research indicates that it’s working well, this drive to defund is baffling experts.
White men gain more health benefits from employment than do black men and women. Angela Waye/from

Employment helps white men’s health more than women and blacks

Employment is good for health, but it is even better for white men than for others. And unemployment is worse for white men than others. Could these findings shine light on our political situation?
Do people use the internet in ways that disadvantage nonwhites? magic pictures/

Is there structural racism on the internet?

The physical world is racially segregated as a result of structural racism. A researcher examines whether similar problems exist online.
Some Americans have fast internet, but many still lag behind – especially in rural areas. BlueRingMedia via

Will Trump and the FCC heal or worsen America’s digital divide?

The Trump administration’s proposed budget suggests it will continue to spend federal dollars on expanding broadband internet access. But the rules governing internet traffic matter too.
Cuts to the 2018 federal education budget jeopardize access for students from low-income families. Mattomedia Werbeagentur /

What Trump’s education budget could mean for students in poverty

Many of the programs being cut in the Trump-DeVos education budget serve low-income families – families that aren’t likely to benefit from the budget’s reallocation of funds toward school choice.
Sydneysiders’ view of their city’s liveability is very different depending on whether they live in the east or west. Sam Mooy/AAP

‘Liveable’ Sydney has clear winners and losers

Justifying Sydney’s ranking as a liveable city requires greater recognition of the inequality of Sydneysiders’ access to jobs, wealth, transport and housing.

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