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Articles on Inequality

Displaying 801 - 820 of 1032 articles

The Modi government is getting rid of RS500 and RS1,000 notes to try and combat the black market and corruption. STR/EPA

Business Briefing: Former chief World Bank economist on inequality and doing away with big money

Business Briefing: Former chief World Bank economist on inequality and doing away with big money The Conversation22.3 MB (download)
A former chief economist to the World Bank and economic adviser to the Indian government says doing away with big currency notes is a noble idea but an ineffective tool.
Global media systems cannot effectively contribute to social progress until opportunities are more widely shared. by Facebook/Facebook

Why the media is a key dimension of global inequality

Global media systems cannot effectively contribute to social progress until opportunities not just for access, but also for active participation, are more widely shared.
Bill Shorten must channel the abilities of his colleagues in parliament and the broader progressive movement if he is to lead the ALP back to government. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Brian Howe on what Bill Shorten must do to revitalise social democracy

Former Deputy Prime Minister Brian Howe says Bill Shorten must channel the abilities of his colleagues in parliament and the broader progressive movement if he is to lead the ALP back to government.
Donald Trump tours a water plant in Flint, Michigan, in September. Reuters/ Mike Segar

Neither Clinton nor Trump will fix what ails America

The sad truth is that neither Trump’s racist populism, or Clinton’s maintenance of the status quo, will do much to help the real and biting difficulties many Americans are facing.
Connecting cities should serve all citizens, not just a few. Illustration via

How to ensure smart cities benefit everyone

Design will make the difference between smart city projects offering great promise or actually reinforcing or even widening the existing gaps in unequal ways their cities serve residents.
South Africa’s student protests are raising difficult issues, some of which are not being debated openly. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

South Africa’s #feesmustfall protests: some inconvenient truths

Demands being made by protesting students in South Africa purport to support the poor. But the most marginalised young people in the country will not benefit from free higher education.

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