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Articles on Inequality

Displaying 881 - 900 of 1032 articles

Is this a vision of the future? Robot worker image via

Are robots taking our jobs?

In the past, technology both destroyed and created jobs. Is that trend ending?
One of the ways that super-rich individuals in Africa are evading tax is through keeping their money in offshore accounts. Goya Bauwens/Flickr

African governments aren’t taxing the rich. Why they should

The number of super-rich individuals in Africa is growing, but they are not paying their fair share of taxes. African governments are losing out on roughly US$15 billion in taxes annually.
A look at spending inequality suggests America is a bit more equal than we thought. Economic inequality via

We’ve been measuring inequality wrong – here’s the real story

A new study on inequality analyzes the impact of fiscal policy, dramatically altering the standard view of rich and poor in America. It may also change how voters and candidates think about the issue.
We are in danger of returning to a stage where young people from poorer backgrounds have no hope of attending an elite university. from

How universities make inequality worse

Universities must redress, not reinforce, disadvantage by ensuring more students from lower socio-economic backgrounds have the chance to benefit form them.
Unfortunately ‘free’ public higher education is never actually free. Shiraaz Mohamed/EPA

Why free education is a folly in an unequal society

If higher education is made “free” for all, the whole society ends up paying more. That’s deeply unjust in already unequal societies, such as those in Africa.
Members of the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa, the country’s largest union, march to highlight high unemployment. Reuters/Rogan Ward

South Africans need to fight for change on the streets, and through the ballot

With the local government elections set to take place within the next seven months, it is worth considering what impact the recent upsurge in protests will have on the country’s political future.

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