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Articles on Learning

Displaying 141 - 160 of 305 articles

Many college students who take calculus fail to earn a C or better. Could ‘active learning’ help turn things around? pixabay

Why colleges must change how they teach calculus

Each year large numbers of college students drop plans to become engineers or scientists because of poor performance in calculus. A new ‘active learning’ approach could help turn things around.
At some point, it stopped being all fun and games. lassedesignen/

A grim year for the smartphone: 5 essential reads

With studies from the past year exploring the relationship between smartphone use and mental health, sleep, learning and romance, a more nuanced portrait of the device has emerged.
It’s exam time. Research suggests that while some students will be pleasantly surprised by how they did on exams, a larger group will falsely believe they did much better on their exams than they did. (Shutterstock)

Student grades: How confidence can hinder success

Research shows that many students are excessively optimistic about course grades. Those with a stronger sense of personal control are also less likely to receive the grades they expect.
How can computers learn to teach themselves new skills? baza178/

Teaching machines to teach themselves

For future machines to be as smart as we are, they’ll need to be able to learn like we do.
Research shows that when parents engage in simple science projects with their kids at home, it boosts their learning in school. (Shutterstock)

Science in the home boosts children’s academic success

From collecting bugs to using math apps, there are many ways parents can engage in STEM activities with their kids to support their learning.
Teachers need to use their professional understanding and practical reasoning to assess the value of the proposed strategies and when, how and why they should be incorporated into their teaching. Shutterstock

Simplistic advice for teachers on how to teach won’t work

It’s not enough to base teaching and learning policy on big data analysis, evidence needs to be rich, persuasive and justifiable and provide practical support to develop teaching approaches.

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