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Articles on Sexuality

Displaying 181 - 200 of 311 articles

What is different about hookup culture on Catholic campuses? Boy girl image via

Does hookup culture differ on Catholic campuses?

As Catholicism teaches abstinence before marriage, there is a common perception that Catholic schools would be places without hookup culture. Does faith make a difference?
More young people are turning online for peer support networks. shutterstock

There’s something queer about Tumblr

Tumblr might the weird cousin of the other social media platforms, but it also makes a safe space for queer kids to hang out and understand their sexuality.
Writer Solita Solano and Djuna Barnes in Paris, 1920s. Wikipedia Commons

Djuna Barnes: the ‘lesbian’ writer who rejected lesbianism

Unlike earlier lesbian and gay movements whose politics depended on visible identities, queer theory grew out of a critique of this – and perhaps that’s where Djuna Barnes sits.
Two people dress up as Gaydar bots during San Francisco’s 2014 gay pride parade. Scott Schiller/flickr

Debunking the ‘gaydar’ myth

The idea of gaydar, the ability to discern who’s gay and who isn’t, promotes stereotypes. And research purporting to prove its existence is flawed.
Genking, a male-born Japanese TV personality and ‘genderless’ pioneer. _genking_/Instagram

Japan’s gender-bending history

In Japanese popular culture, new trends come and go. But the Japanese have toyed with gender norms for generations.

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