Dr Adi Adams is a Senior Lecturer (Academic) in Sport, and Programme Leader for BSc (Hons) Sport Management and BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching.
Adi teaches on the following degree modules: Principles of Coaching (1st year); Developing Coaching Principles (2nd year); Research Methods (2nd year); Dissertation (final year).
In 2015, he completed his PhD in Sociology (Sport) at the University of Bath. He has also achieved a Masters in Research (Sociology) and a BA in Coach Education & Sports Development. In 2016, Adi joined BU as a Lecturer in Sport, and in 2018 was recognised as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
Adi is a UEFA B (Level 3) qualified association football coach with over 15 years coaching experience, and ten years experience working in professional football academies.
His research is located in the discipline of sociology: previous research has been focused on gender, masculinities, sexuality, youth, and sport. Other interests include qualitative research methods. Recently, his research has focused on various aspects of professional football club youth academy 'culture', including: competitive workplaces, individualism, and the peculiarities of boys' friendships inside football academies; homophobia, youth masculinities and boys' attitudes toward gay peers, and; youth football coaches' use of gender-related 'humour' within their everyday coaching practice.
Adi's research features in a number of academic journals including: Journal of Language and Social Psychology; Soccer & Society; Sociology; Qualitative Research; Sport Management Review, and; Sport, Education and Society.
He has also acted as a reviewer for a number of journals including: British Journal of Sociology; Journal of Gender Studies; Sociology of Sport Journal; Men and Masculinities; International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, and; Soccer and Society.