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Professor of Geology, School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of St Andrews

I am Professor of Geology at the University of St Andrews, specialising in mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of alkaline igneous rocks. My research focusses on developing genesis models for rare element deposits and I have worked on alkaline rocks from all over the world (Mongolia to Malawi to Greenland). However I have a particular reputation for fieldwork in the Arctic.

I have a BSc degree from University of Durham and a PhD in mineralogy and petrology from the University of Edinburgh. I was awarded a personal fellowship from the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2000. I am a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists and a Fellow of the Mineralogical Society. I have consulted to several exploration companies over many decades and my geochemical work is underpinned by access to some of the best analytical facilities worldwide.


  • –present
    Professor School of School of Earth & Environmental Sciences , University of St Andrews


Personal Fellowship, Royal Society of Edinburgh