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Assistant Professor of Political Science, Fresno City College

Dr. Alana Jeydel is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Fresno City College. Her main area of research is women and politics, in particular the suffrage and ERA movements in the U.S. Her dissertation, published with Routledge Press, looked at the conditions under which the three waves of the women's movement gained access to and response from political elites in the U.S. Congress and Presidency. She has also co-authored a text with Sarah Henderson, published with Oxford University Press, on women and politics from a comparative perspective. The book, Participation and Protest, looks at the impact that women have had on politics via social movements, revolutions, and political institutions, as well as the impact that politics has on women's lives via policies such as abortion, family leave, sexual harassment, and pay. It concludes with chapters that look at issues of particular concern to women in the developing world, like female genital cutting, rape during war, honor killings, HIV, and education. Her current research project concerns the barriers females face to announcing a run for Governor. Public facing pieces on this work appear in The Academic Minute and Governing. She formerly managed the Education program in the Legal division of the California Fair Political Practices Commission, the state campaign and lobbying ethics agency. She is a content matter expert in the California Political Reform Act and its regulations, which seeks to guarantee transparency in the areas of campaign finance and elections in California as well as lobbying in California.


  • –present
    Assistant Professor of Political Science, Earlham College


  • 1998 
    American University, PhD Political Science


  • 2021
    Pandemic Politics, California Journal of Politicsl and Policy
  • 2014
    Participation and Protest: Women and Politics in a Global World., Oxford University Press
  • 2011
    Incumbent Gender and Electoral Safety in Local Races, California Journal of Politics and Policy
  • 2005
    The Ins and Outs of Obtaining a Book Contract, PS: Political Science and Politics
  • 2004
    Political Women: The Women’s Movement, Political Institutions and the Battle for Woman Suffrage and the ERA, Routledge Press
  • 2003
    Are Women Effective Legislators? Evidence from the U.S. House in the 103d –105th Congresses, Political Research Quarterly
  • 2002
    Public Attitudes Towards the Initiative Process in Oregon, State and Local Government Review
  • 2002
    The Impact of Presidential Activism on the Lobbying Efforts of the Woman Suffrage Movement, White House Studies
  • 2000
    Social Movements, Political Elites and Political Opportunity Structures: the Case of the Woman’s Suffrage Movement from 1890-1920, Congress and the Presidency
  • 1999
    A Comparative Analysis of State Lobbying Laws, Comparative State Politics
  • 1997
    Using Presidential Election Returns to Measure Constituency Ideology, American Politics Quarterly