Alex Prichard is a Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Exeter. His current research aims to develop a radical new understanding of the concept of anarchy.
He was appointed lecturer in International Relations at the University of Exeter in 2012. He was previously LSE Fellow in International Political Theory (2010-2012), an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Bristol (2009-2010), and before that a Teaching Fellow and Research Officer at the University of Bath (2008-2009).
In 2005, Dr Prichard co-founded the PSA Anarchist Studies Network, and in 2012 co-founded and now co-edits the monograph series 'Contemporary Anarchist Studies', published by Manchester University Press and distributed in the USA by Oxford University Press. The series is the only one dedicated to contemporary writing on anarchist theory and practice.
Dr Prichard gained his PhD from Loughborough University in 2008 for his thesis on the international political theory of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. This brought together his two main areas of research: International Relations theory and anarchist theory. Most recently he has been working on the concept of anarchy in IR theory and the relationship between the anarchist language of domination and cognates in the neo-Republican literature in political theory For more information, visit his profile page at: